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By the ninety-fifth year after Aegon's Conquest, the time for petty internal grudges was put on hold. For on the hour of the first day of the Festival of the Mother came the moment when the first child of Rhaenys Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon would be born in the red keep. An army of midwives led by Grand Maester Runciter and his assistant Mellos had already gathered into the birthing chamber to begin the delivery, not allowing any unauthorized personnel entry until the birth was complete.

<ninety-five years the time since Aegon's Conquest, and the exact date of my birth year. The screams you hear? Those belonged to my mother, Rhaenys of House Targaryen. Although their marriage was when she was young, both she and my father had developed a mutual bond of love. I guess you could say I grew up lucky to have them as my parents. At least that's what I thought at first too.>

"Rhaenys!" Corlys exclaimed with a look of concern on his face. As he felt her iron grip tighten upon his hand

<And there he is. That's my father. Corlys Velaryon. A powerful and ambitious man, yes, I know. Though he was certainly that way since House Targaryen ruled over a time of peace and plenty due in no small part to my great-grandfather. Not that I would blame him for being soft, of course. There were no wars to fight, no conflicts to resolve... As a child, there was instead wealth and a name in history to claim as he grew and set sail on the ravenous sea. I grew up idolizing my father. I thought he had it all figured out. He was a good man, he loved us and made sure we were given the best of everything. until his true nature shone through>

"Rahhh!! I- it hurts Corlys Ughhhh" Rhaenys screams as she tries to push "AAAAAAAAGHHH! NN-GHHH!" Gods, by the Mother, please answer my prayers. Let this child live. Please, let my child live... please!

"There it is! I can see the head!" Runciter announced.

Corlys turned towards Rhaenys. "You're doing good, Rhaenys! Our child is almost here! Just keep pushing!" he said as he tenderly massaged her hand.

Rhaenys looked exhausted. She wanted to give up but continued to fight this with every ounce of her strength her body could muster to deliver this child. Taking a deep breath, she shut her eyes and again pressed down clenching her teeth. minutes begin to grow as the child within her womb slowly moved further down.

"WAHHH WAHH" the cries of a child fill the room

< Thats me Aelor Velaryon son of the seasnake and the queen who never was and this is the story of my life>

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