To the creme republic

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Dark cacao needed a break from this all the chaos happening in his life so, he packed his bags with all his things and he left for the creme republic, after dark cacao got to the creme republic: he got off the bus that goes to the creme republic and he was so amazed at how beautiful the creme republic was that he didn't notice that clotted cream cookie was right in front of him that he got scared and almost fell on his face, until clotted cream caught him in his arms then he said; "you ok?" Dark cacao nodded yes then he got up and pulled his bags and went to an empty space, and set up his tent and grabbed his bags and went inside his tent and set up everything for his stay at the creme republic, his desk, his diary, some notebooks (for drawing), andsome food and his two adopted kids and dark choco cookie(please don't ask how dark cacao's three kids were able to fit in his bags) so dark choco, caramel arrow, and affogato cookie ran off to play with anything they could find around in the area, and then, found some dolls then they started playing with them then clotted cream came up to dark cacao and said; "are those your kids if they are very cute." Dark cacao cookie jumped in fear and said; "don't scare me like that also where did you come from!?" And clotted cream shrugs "I just appear when I want to I guess or it's the narrators doing"

a cookie in nightmare landWhere stories live. Discover now