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Max was ignoring jane, it has been a month now.
- "why wont she talk to me!" Jane exclaimed as will was drawing.
- "maybe because you kissed her, made her question herself, made her break up with her boyfriend, and made her parents abandon her, but i dont know" will shrugged, jane was feeling even more bad.
- "you are no help" jane said sighing.
- "well you do know she is actually very depressed and has anxiety now, right?" Will said like it was an obvious question.
- "it was just one kiss!.one kiss for everything to go down hill!" Jane said.
- "well then its time for you to explain yourself and apologize" will said turning his chair around.
- "how she probably hates me" jane said sitting up.
- "well try it then give her some time, oh and dont kiss her again" will said turning back around.
- "well where is she?" Jane said with confusion.
- "god do i have to tell you everything?" Will said sighing.
- "well she had been ignoring me for a month and no one will talk to me except you so yes you do need to tell me everything." Jane answered.
- "she is at mikes house, good luck" will said, jane nodded and left, she had to think about what she was gonna say.
- "heyy to casual..hi that sounds weird" jane tried warming up but she couldnt so she would just go with anything, once she reached mikes house she knocked.
- "HOLD ON MAX!" Mike yelled, he answered the door with a smile on his face then it faded when he saw jane.
- "oh. Its you. What do you want." Mike said with an annoyed tone.
- " just wanted to talk" jane said feeling nervous, mike stepped outside and closed the door.
- "listen if it is about max its to late, you ruined her life, she has been so sad, thank god i went to her house that one time, she would have probably killed herself, go fuck yourself jane." Mike said sternly.
- "well listen to me, i want to explain myself and apologize so just give me 10 minutes, please." Jane pleaded.
- "5 minutes." Mike ordered, jane nodded snd followed the tall boy.
- "max!! You have a..visitor" mike said pointing for jane to stay upstairs.
- "is it dustin?.because he still owes me money" max said, just hearing her voice made jane blush.
- "no its not, come on!" Mike said his smile going down, jane made her way downstairs taking a deep breathe.
- "h-hi" she stuttered, max just stood there like she saw a ghost.
- "no. No. NO." Max said to herself backing up in the nearest wall covering her ears.
- "hey, hey, hey, its okay, max, calm down, deep breaths come on, in, wait, out" mike comforted her, max had panic attacks whenever she thought about jane and if she is just doing this to ruin her life, once max calmed down she didnt dare to look at jane.
- "what do you want." Maxs voice cracked.
- "i want to apologize..for alot..listen, im sorry i ki-did what i did to you it was not right for me to do..i just..couldnt stop myself it just kinds happened..and i understand if you totally dont want to look at me ever again, i fucked up, but im trying to fix it, i just..want to friends" jane said all in one breath.
- "wow" max said in disbelief.
- "soo do you accept" jane asked knowing this is to easy.
- "can i shame you first?" Max shrugged, jane just stood there not knowing what to say.
- "uh no?" She finally said.
- "well okay i guess" max said, jane looked around to see if anyone was gonna pop out of no where and say 'JUST KIDDING YOU MESSED UP AND CANT FIX IT' but no one did.
- "alright, five minutes is over you can come tomorrow, max has to eat dinner then take a shower so byee" mike ordered, max rolled her eyes and waved to jane as she left the basement, max was glad they talked again, jane was a little sad how max acted when she first saw her but its over now.

one kissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang