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"when will i be able to go with you?"

they're standing at the edge of the meandering trail that leads jihoon back into the real world. mingyu's fingers, gentle but unwilling to release him, curl around his own.

he doesn't usually accompany jihoon this far. he's used to giving him a bone-crushing hug— whether he likes it or not— and sending him off from the garden gate.

but mingyu had pleaded with him to let him go this far, had nearly gotten onto his knees and begged, convincing jihoon with his big, sad, wet eyes. he looked pitiful. and for mingyu...

for mingyu, jihoon would do anything.

but he can't take him to the city. he doesn't think he ever could. mingyu is too good, too trusting and too beautiful and too powerful as he is. jihoon thinks— knows— the city would ruin him.

even if he marvels at sights and sounds never seen before— even if the most mundane things become miracles to him— the novelty would overwhelm him, like throwing a freshwater frog into an ocean.

it would wear off, too. the city would dull his enthusiasm, his imagination, his kindness. the very thought terrifies jihoon.

the last thing he wants is for mingyu to become him.

and so he takes mingyu's hand in his, thumbing over his soft tan skin. jihoon let's his expression fall with the guilt he feels at leaving mingyu behind.

"i'm sorry, mingyu. you can't."

"i want to," he says.

jihoon shakes his head. "it doesn't work like that. i've already ruined you enough, darling. you belong here. don't lose this place, mingyu."

mingyu shakes his head. "i won't."

"the rest of the world... they won't accept you." he holds up mingyu's hand for emphasis and explains, "your flowers... they won't understand. they'll chew you up and spit you back out."

"but... you wouldn't let them, right?"

jihoon is ashamed to admit that his next breath shudders. he isn't one to cry, doesn't even consider himself overly emotional, but it's terrifying what he's willing to do for mingyu's happiness.

"of course," he whispers.

and mingyu does get on his knees then, if only to make it easier for jihoon to embrace him. it's embarrassing that he has to go to such lengths to get a head pat, but jihoon considers being able to plant a kiss onto his head worth the trouble.

mingyu sits at the head of the trail and watches him leave until he can't see him through the trees anymore.

that night, jihoon has dinner with seokmin. with his mouth stuffed with rice, a cup of coke zero accompanying their meal, he talks about mingyu.

and seokmin levels him with a accusatory glare. "you wouldn't lie to me, would you? you're not continuing this story as a joke?"

something in jihoon's expression must convince him that he's telling the truth because the next thing he does is order a bottle of soju.

"let me guess," he slurs once he's a few shots in. "i'm never going to get to meet him? never going to know that he's even real. wha's his name again?"


"mingyu. i can't believe you named him. he sounds like a baby that imprinted on you."

jihoon shoves more food in his mouth. he doesn't get meals like this when he's with mingyu, but nothing really compares to the strange boys hand-grown foods. he swallows, hard lump sliding down his throat.

"do you think he's a god?"

seokmin makes a weird little grimace and almost picks up his bottle again. he pulls his hand back in a moment of clarity, sighing and patting his flushed face.

"i dunno," he decides. he looks at jihoon resolutely before adding, "if you have met a god, though, stay on his good side. for your sake and mine."

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