Chapter One

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Ron Weasley was latched onto Hermione's bony, pale hand, dragging her through the castle in a desperate attempt to find an exit that hadn't already been blocked off by Death Eaters.

Over the past year herself, Ron and Harry had been hunting Horcruxes in a long awaited attempt to defeat Voldemort, however the stress, lack of money and lack of food and taken it's toll on the three both mentally and physically.

But that didn't matter now.

Harry Potter was dead.

Suddenly, the last year of their lives seemed like a waist.

Hermione would always remember how Harry's body had hung lifelessly in Hagrid's arms, it stung Hermione's heart to see her best friend like that although she knew it was going to happen. She had figured out that Harry was a horcrux when he told her and Ron that he was off into the forbidden forest to see Voldemort and give him what he wanted, she knew that had Harry not have had to die, he would have continued fighting, Harry was the face of the resistance, he was what they all fought for, the last shred of hope, but once everyone saw his dead body, the life that had been dragged out of him seemed to drag the hope out of everyone else.

"Kill the snake," Harry instructed, "the snake is the last horcrux," he lied, what he had meant to say was, "the snake will be the last horcrux," and Neville had tried to kill her, in front of everyone, he dragged the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat and charged for the snake who rested at Voldemort's feet, but Voldemort was quicker than him, more ambitious, with his life on the line he pointed his wand at Neville and hit him with The Cruciatus Curse.

Hermione flinched as she watched her friend scream in pain, his body wriggled on the stone floor like a worm, she knew exactly what he was going through after Bellatrix Lestrange did the same thing to her in Malfoy Manor, that pain was unlike any other and most definitely a pain one would never forget.

She watched as Neville cried out in pain, and she listened over the laughter coming from the herd of Death Eater's stood behind Voldemort, to Neville's voice break as he begged Voldemort to stop, she wanted to save him, she wanted to pull out her wand and use that same curse on Voldemort, she wanted to make him suffer the way he and his followers had made others suffer. She looked over at her dead best friend as the dark thoughts plagued her mind, she thought about how much he would hate her thinking the way she was, she prayed for a moment that he would take a deep breath and leap up from Hagrid's arms saving the day like he always did, but he never did, The Boy Who Lived was dead.

Neville took a deep breath as Voldemort lowered his wand and stopped the curse, even Hermione herself let out a sigh of relief knowing that his pain had -for the most part- ended. But that relief was short lived as Voldemort looked at Nagini and gave her a small nod, the python slithered forward a little before pouncing on Neville's worn out pale body. Hermione had to force herself to look away, she squeezed her eyes shut and forced her head into the crook of Ron's neck, however Ron didn't take time to comfort her, his only thought at this precise moment was getting his girlfriend out of there.

Everyone was running around the building in search of a way out but The Death Eaters had taken over the school, they were outnumbered so fighting was hardly an option, the only thing Ron could think to do was escape, he had attempted to grab his families attention but a giant abruptly stormed in their way separating the yet to be formed group. Ron had convinced himself that this would be for the best, a bigger group would easily grab more attention and would most likely get them killed, in his head he developed a plan, it was; to find and get past the new apperation point that The Death Eater's had evidently put up and go back to the burrow, wait for an hour in the hopes that someone showed up and then leave with Hermione and whoever else, get out of Europe and never look back.

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