Chapter Four

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The meeting ended with many private discussions but in the end everyone had chosen to stay as so far it seemed like the safest option and no one fancied the idea of being obliviated and sent out into the world helpless.

Hermione herself spent half an hour trying to convince Ginny to stay, however her plan was to find her wand and fight her way out, but Hermione - being the logical person she is - convinced her to stay.

Narcissa did however inform everyone that once herself and the others were sure that everyone in the house wouldn't attack them, they would each have their wands returned to them and that they were looking for a way to acquire wands for those who were wandless which gave Hermione a sense of warmth and security. Despite being muggle born, Hermione had become rather accustomed to having a wand, especially when it came to defending herself. She had hardly any muscle, and wasn't very quick either, she couldn't even fight of Ginny let alone a Death Eater if she needed to.

Draco and Adrian weren't seen since for the rest of the day but Winky was sent to show Hermione around - Ginny ended up joining the two as well seen as she had been too stubborn to leave her room before Hermione visited her.

The house was a large one surrounded by fields, the only thing leading to the house was an old dirt road but despite the unlikeliness of someone stumbling across it Winky assured the two that Narcissa and Draco had put up protection charms and wards all around the house and two miles ahead so that they would be aware and prepared if anyone was to find them, however this still didn't convince Ginny that she was safe.

The house was four floors in total it had been owned by an old muggle man who had passed away - unfortunately somewhere inside of the house - all of the walls were oddly coloured - most disgusting or too bright - and all of the furniture was mismatched. The ground floor held the kitchen, living room, dining room, common room and downstairs bathroom. The second and third floor held bedrooms - only two with an en suit - and two bathrooms meaning everyone - aside from Narcissa and Draco - had to share. The fourth floor held Hermione's favourite part of the house.

The library.

It wasn't as well stocked as the one at Hogwarts, even the restricted section contained more books, it was mainly fictional reads to occupy people, but towards the back of the library Hermione had found a section filled with non fiction books - conveniently next to a small sitting area.

The library was also not brightly coloured like all of the other rooms, it was very much like an attic. The walls were wooden, the roof was slanted at either side and wooden beams came down from the ceiling like party streamers. There were two small windows at either end of the room and three on each side of the slanted ceiling allowing light to enter, yet due to the beams and rows of book shelves the light was blocked in many places so candles had been placed strategically around the room.

Unfortunately there was no working electricity in the house but Hermione had made a mental note to figure out how to work the backup generator in the shed to keep herself occupied.


The next day Hermione was woken up at 9 am by a knock on her door, however the person didn't wait for a response in order to invite themselves in, although Hermione didn't mind as it was only Ginny.

"Morning," she hummed with a smile, "morning," Hermione replied uncertainly as she was confused by her best friends apparent mood swing. "How come you're in such a good mood?"
"Well Luna visited me this morning and told me to drink some draught of peace, so I did, after half an hour of telling her what a stupid idea that would be, but she insisted and honestly, I think she might have been right because I feel so much better," Ginny explained.

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