Chapter Four: Secrets

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I woke up at 3 am that morning to see Liam standing at my baby's crib with his shirt off. While he wasn't looking I smiled and then eventually flashes of last night flew in my mind the kissing the laughing the giggling him holding me tight. And then the horror I looked down and realized I was naked and Liam looked over and handed me a night

Did we?" I asked embarrassed.

"Yes I'm almost 100% certain," He said sheepishly.

"And we?" I asked.

"Yes we umm made love I think." Liam said, clearing his throat. I knew he always hated that term. I sat back down on the bed and placed my hands on my head and groaned frustrated.

"What about your wife?" I asked embarrassed.

"I don't know; I honestly don't know. I'm not even sure what made us do that." Liam explained the panic apparent in his voice. We both sat in silence before I finally spoke up.

"I know it was wrong but it felt good, it felt like nothing had changed from 6 years ago. I know it was wrong but why did it feel right?" I asked him and he shook my head. He put Edmund down in the crib after he fell asleep once more. He walked over to me and I stood up. He took me in his arms and I put my head on his chest. I looked back up at me and slowly we made our way to each other's lips. This kiss was slow and soft and full of fire and love and happiness. When I pulled away he looked at me.

"Please tell me you feel that spark?" He asked me.

"I do but Liam This is wrong you have a wife and a baby. And I was supposed to marry caspian." He nodded and much to our disappointment we both pulled away. I leaned in and kissed him one more time this time full of love and want and need and when I pulled away I looked into his eyes. He told me that my beautiful golden eyes glistened in the morning light. He kissed my forehead and we both knew this couldn't continue. He left the room and I sat down on my bed with my hands on my head and took a deep breath and then I slowly looked up and walked over to my desk and wrote a letter to mercy and Terrence. I pulled my right leg to my chest when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I replied. My mother walked into the room and looked over to me holding a book in her arms and when I finally looked up I saw her looking deeply into my eyes like she was trying to figure something out.

"Mom?" I asked slowly.

"Serena, did something happen Recently?" She asked.

"Not that I know off, why?" I asked her.

"Liam just looks upset today and I haven't been able to figure out why." She mentioned.

"You didn't hear about the screaming last night and that someone broke into the palace?" I asked her trying to hide what really happened even though the screaming really did happen.

"No, I had no idea, is everyone okay?"

"Yeah Liam was worried it was me so he came running with Oliver's brother they told me to stay and then said someone broke in and attacked a woman and then escaped out the window, the woman went for a checkup this morning."

"Really? That's terrifying. They have no idea who it was?" She asked.

"If they do they didn't tell me, I haven't spoken with Tim since then and Liam came and told me and then left idk what time he went back to his room." I explained. My mother looked skeptical but changed her facial expression not long after. I looked back down at my letter and continued to write. My mom walked over and looked over my shoulder.

"Mom, this is private." I said looking up at her she laughed and walked away. Jasper walked out of his bedroom and came and hugged me. I kissed the top of his head and smiled. He walked over to his grandma and hugged her. He then walked back over to me and climbed onto my lap. I moved my position and put my leg underneath my other leg so my left leg was sitting over the ankle of my right foot. Jasper climbed onto my lap and sat with his chest facing mine. He placed his head on my shoulder looking at the wall and his legs on either side of mine. I placed my arms below his bottom to support him and keep him from falling. He may have been 6 but he was just cuddly as ever and he was getting harder to hold but he didn't want to let go of me holding him. He started to sniffle and I tilted my head backwards to see tears in his eyes. I stood up with him still in my arms and began to rock him. I moved slowly, worried at any moment he would tell me to put him down and he didn't want me to hum or sing to him and I wanted to take every chance I had before he grew up too much. I began to hum and continue to rock him before I turned to my mom to ask if he was asleep and she nodded her head yes that he was asleep.

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