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ⵌ ❝HEY STEVE! what's up man?❞ it's tommy hagan that's yelling obnoxiously in the direction of steve harrington, the schools pretty boy. probably the only kid who has almost every single heart fawning over him; extremely well-known for his great hair and looks. the two have known each other for a decent amount of time now. and steve admits he thinks of tommy rather fondly.

well, used to, actually. tommy isn't as 'nice' as he used to be. steve had tried so hard to be cool and popular that he had gotten used to tommy and his rudeness, most importantly his relentless bullying on steve himself. he was 'lucky' enough to have become tommy's friend, finally having the ability to not be his punching bag anymore.

unfortunately, that isn't to say tommy hagan was no longer a dickhead. after him and steve had hit it off, tommy had to find somebody knew. and as time passed, that somebody was the quiet and weird jonathan byers.

who steve had been looking at right now.

❝hey, steve, who are you—❞ he paused, his mouth now agape. steve is now looking at tommy, his gaze shifting quickly off the light-brown haired boy.

❝holy shit, is that the freak?❞ he spoke with venom. steve had been glancing at him for some time now, understanding the situation that the teenager was in. he always wanted to say something to him, anything, to tell him ❝hey, you'll get pass this❞ or ❝hey, sorry he's such a dick, i'm only his friend so he won't fuck with me anymore.❞ some shit like that.

❝he looks so sad, maybe we should cheer him up?❞ it's carol that speaks now, a fake pitiful tone in her voice.

❝yeah, sure.❞ steve reluctantly agrees. the three of them now strolling towards the boy, who's been in his locker, seemingly looking for something.

he looks tired as the trio walk over to him, steve eyeballing the bags under his eyes, his hair unkept, and his boney hands. jonathans hands caught steve's eyes for a little too long, but his trance was quickly disrupted when carol and tommy had finally made their way towards him, ready like a cat about to pounce on its prey.

❝hey freak, looking for something?❞ steve spoke first, leaning against the locker beside jon's.

❝n-no. no i'm fine, steve. thanks.❞ he stuttered slightly, caught off guard and probably upset to have to deal with tommy and his crew. it upsets steve to see him like this, but he proceeds to play along, now letting tommy and carol take the lead, him falling back on whatever smug face he could muster up. being a bystander like this felt fucking awful, and every time this happened, steve tried so hard to not engage too much, never really having anything against the eldest byers boy.

he typically only budded in if he saw them get physical with him, slightly punching tommy's arm with a quick ❝knock it off, let's go.❞ which is what he had to do right now.

❝take it easy on him, hagan, c'mon.❞ steve muttered, chuckling lightly to remain composed, wanting to badly punch the prick for picking on this random kid with no real 'weirdo' record, only being quiet and awkward interacting with people.

finally, the trio walked away, jonathan sending them all a glare as he slammed his locker shut and made his way to his next class. 


lunch time had finally arrived, allowing children to flood from classrooms to make their way to the dining hall. some chatting and laughing loudly, some quiet and walking as fast as they could to avoid getting shoved and just making their way to their table, no interactions necessary.

if it wasn't obvious already, there are people like steve, and then there are people like jonathan. the popular and the freaks. the somebodies and the nobodies. while the two conflict heavily, one cannot make it without the other. 

also just like steve and jonathan. neither of them knew that yet.

❝steve! hey man! come sit down. we're gonna play truth or dare.❞ carol hollered, getting steve to walk over and sit down nervously, unsure as to what he was about to get himself into. he sat his tray of lunch in front of him as he rested his elbows on the table, hands cupping his own face.

❝alright, hit me. dare.❞ steve replied, assuming it was his turn anyway, not really knowing any questions to ask, especially since he didn't care about these two dickheads anyway.

and at the worst timing ever, enter jonathan byers, his eye bags ever so visible in the light, and his walk lazy and tired. steve shared a look with jon, and desperately hoped he wouldnt have to be involved with the game at hand. but considering these two need the attention on them at every waking minute, they caught who he was looking at.

oh poor, poor jonathan byers.

❝i dare you to send jonathan byers secret admirer letters.❞ carol sang, her tone sounding as it usually does, bitter.

❝wait i'm sorry what—❞

❝can't bitch out! a dare is a dare!❞ tommy teased, apparently not realizing what they had told him to do. steve was ultimately flabbergasted. what, why would he do that? he's not... you know... queer or anything. plus, he figured writing the weird kid love letters was kind of fucked up.

❝i-i mean, okay. i guess. alright.❞ chuckling again, what he usually did when uncomfortable and under stress he wasn't sure how to quite comprehend yet. his position had shifted noticeably by then, from his semi-relaxed posture to arms completely down on the table, eyes widened and stammering.

❝write the note today or tomorrow, whenever you get the chance, then let us know when he sees it. just imagine the look on his face! thinking someone actually loves his sad ass.❞ carol laughed, and with that it seemed like lunch was over. before he knew it, everyone was rising from their seats and now making their way back to their classes, steve still slightly dumbfounded.

writing letters? to the school 'freak'? what the fuck did i just get myself into...

sincerely, s + stonathanWhere stories live. Discover now