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AND SO, here he was. the steve harrington, making time out of his day to write a quick love letter. but for some random boy he had no feelings towards.

he already tried expressing his frustration to carol and tommy, insisting that it wasn't funny to fuck with some kids emotions like this. yet they laughed and hollered as if they had heard the funniest joke ever since their miserable existences.

steve's protests were ignored. his hand was basically being forced as he slipped in this letter to the eldest byer boys locker.

'i saw you at lunch yesterday. i thought you were really cute.'

he didn't leave any initial or anything, having already been in a bit of a rush and a panic. he slipped it in when the hallway was crowded and while carol and tommy kept an eye out, making sure jonathan didn't notice him.

after having slipped the paper in the (hopefully) correct locker, he and all his friends marched their way to class, chattering as they did.

❝do you think he'll believe it?! he's such a loner, so i bet he's desperate.❞

❝probably. what do you think his reaction will be?! i can't wait to see the reaction on his fucking face!❞

❝yeah har har, it's gonna be hilarious.❞ was all steve muttered under his breath, annoyed that he had to hang out with these two so often, their humor drier than a desert.

and to be quite honest. steve wasn't sure what his reaction would be. he didn't know if he even cared, hell the boy would probably crumble the note the second he got. why the fuck would someone write that, no initial, no actual advances to keep him interested, what the fuck was he doing?!

besides, he assumed jonathan hated him. steve had noticed jonathan's interest towards nancy wheeler whenever he saw them talk in the halls. steve's approach was usually upset and hostile, even though he never intended it to be. he was usually the first one to say something whenever the trio saw him anywhere, probably also hating him for seemingly initiating the bullying.

he also had called him a queer. but only once.

he didn't know why he couldn't stop thinking about the byers boy, his appearance was mysterious, and steve almost wanted to know more. almost.

befriending him would be an absolute blow to his reputation that he tirelessly tried to build up. he didn't want to be called anything jonathan had been called, ever.

so as he sat in class, he looked around, noticing one person looking back at him.



'why the fuck is he looking at me right now?'

was all the boy thought, after having randomly glanced around his classroom, and having accidentally locked eyes with steve harrington.

the king steve harrington.

panic filled his body as he snapped his bed to the front of the class, the byers boy overwhelmed with fear.

'what if i'm next? what if they catch me after school or some shit?'

'maybe i should take a different route home. he could be planning anything.'

sweat started to trickle his face, making sure he had caught every drop to avoid glances. it was the last thing he wanted.

truth be told, jonathan byers was exactly what everyone in the school had made him out to be. even if he had tried so hard to ignore it, he was a freak, an outcast.

and worst of all, a fag.

no one knew this of course, they had just assumed he didn't date any girls because no girls liked him, seemed simple enough. unfortunate for him- he did have an interest in boys for awhile- and even a specific boy that caught his eye. he'd just never admit it.

once class was over, the byers boy hurried out of classroom, eager to get away from steve and possibly even the trio if they had even laid an eye on him. lately they had been eyeing his camera, almost as if to snatch it from him. even worse, break it. his passion for photography was practically his only friend, apart from his brother, but jonathan protested 'that doesn't count.'

the halls were loud and bustling, like a new york city sidewalk, people shoving and in a hurry to get to their destinations. shoes squeaking, boots tapping, lockers slamming and kids chatting. everything was loud, too loud. but finally, jonathan had made it to his locker, where his friend had be hidden. yet when he opened it, something else was sat inside, something usual, unordinary. a note.

'i saw you at lunch yesterday. i thought you were really cute.'

jonathan blinked.

'this has to be a joke.'

sincerely, s + stonathanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя