Chapter One

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No warnings will be shown for this chapter!!!

Izukus POV:
Today has been rough. From the minute I woke up I just felt...drained. it felt like my body weighed 10× it's weight, and took an eternity to get to school. By the time I got to my last class I had a massive headache and felt as if I was in a stove slowly cooking.

When I got to my dorm I immediately laid down and closed my eyes, not worrying about my clothes or the fact I was still wearing shoes. By now I was practically panting, sweat literally dripping off me. I squeezed my eyes shut as my stomach started feeling like it was twisting inside itself.

But under all the pain and sweat,

Was a need. A needing for something, something so strong I could curl up and die just from that feeling itself. I couldn't figure out what it was. But as soon as I do, I will get it.

Bakugous POV:
There's something about today that has just been... Off. I've felt irritated all day, and the feeling that something was missing grew and grew the further into the day I got. If I didn't change something soon, I might explode.

Class is over and I packed my things preparing to leave, noticing how deku left as soon as the bell went off, but decided to ignore it.

"Aye baku-"

"Not today." I couldn't deal with karminari and Kirishimas shit today. I think they took the hint because they quickly left over to Mina.

I swing my bag around me and quickly made my way down the hall.

My pace quickened when I felt that feeling slowly drift away, as if I was following a map right to it. The closer I got to the dorms the less I felt it. As if I was following a string, I went towards the third floor, completely passing me room on the way. As I walked passed other rooms I called out who they were in my head,

'Sero.... Todoroki.....Shinso....'


When I stopped at his door the feeling was all but a silent whisper. I stood there for a good 10 minutes. No matter how much I wanted to walk away, my feet wouldn't move.

'Goddamnit' I groaned, giving up and reaching for the door handle.

It felt like time was moving slow as I turned the handle, but as soon as it was open, everything hit all too quickly.

The smell of vanilla and strawberry was hidden under the overwhelming scent of lust. My head went dizzy from the sudden lost of control, causing me to fall back.

I closed my eyes, fighting back the alpha inside me wanting to take over. I'm usually great at calming myself down, but something about this scent just made it so hard.

But me being me, I got control back. I looked into the room, the lights were off and the curtains were closed, leaving it almost completely pitch black.

'Guess he really is an omega'

Not surprised his dumbass is a late bloomer. But this late? I mean he's 18 in 4 months.

I should just shut the door and let him handle this by himself. Tell the others to stay away, they already know he's an omega. I mean most people handle these alone anyways.

So why won't the feet Fucking move? It's starting to get annoying.

I mentally prepared as I stood up. I won't allow myself to lose control. Even if he says wants it, no omega can control themself while in heat. And Im positive he doesn't want me to be his first time.

Izukus POV:
My eyes barely opened, everything was blurry and my overheating turned it off freezing my ass off. But the most noticable thing was, my pain was almost completely gone. Other than the mediocore headache and the foggy was that made me slightly nauseous, it was completely gone.

I heard a thud and my eyes drifted towards the noise. I couldn't see much, but a light was coming from that direction. Was my door opened?

That's when I started to smell it. Melted Carmel. It swarmed my head in a sudden impact, causing me to turn over. It sent chills down my body, screaming at me to go towards it. My heart started racing and the freezing switched back to heat, that was getting kinda annoying actually.

I had already taken off all but a T-shirt I put on because I'm a little self conscious and really hate being naked.

The light disappeared for a second before an even bigger one turned on,. My room light.

I covered my eyes and groaned, hiding from the light.

"Shit- sorry"

The light dimmed down, until it was dark with enough light to see things.


"Kac-chan" I panted out. I should've realized sooner, who else smells like Carmel.

It felt as if I was set on fire, as the heat became painful. I didn't realize through the fog that covered my vision that I had started moving. Before I knew it I was in his arms, literally as I fell and he caught me.

He groaned and looked away,

"Fuck." I heard him take a deep breath, then I was picked up.

It felt... perfect. Better then when I'm not in heat. As soon as I touched him the heat turned into a comforting warmth. My headache disappeared within seconds and other than the fact I was drained from energy, the cloudyness was gone too.

I didn't want him to leave. He cant leave. I don't think I could deal with the pain again. Especially after feeling, this.

I felt him lay me on my bed, for a second I thought he was going to join me. Instead he let go and started to walk away.

"Wait!-" I tried to scream, but it came out more as a quiet cry. I didn't even want to say it. It just came out. Watching him walk away felt like my heart being ripped out. 100× worse than the pain of being in heat.

"Relax, I'm just going to get some water and food." He said before he started to walk again.

I couldn't care less about food or water, I just didn't want him to leave.

"N-oh- please" I reached out towards him, dispite the fact he was on the otherside of the room.

"C'mon deku it'll just take a second. And whatever you want me to do to you, you'll regret it in the mor-"

"Just- hold me." I interrupted. Every part of me yelled at me to have sex with him. But...I wasn't ready for that. I don't want my first time to be during heat. I want it to be special, with someone who wants me not because of my pheromones. But...

Him just, being with me. Thats enough.

I looked up at him, his face was different than usual. It was conflicting, confused, worried? I didn't know omega pheromones effect alpha's so much. I thought they could control it?

"O-kay. But nothing is going to happen between us. Got it." He finally said, his face settling.

I couldn't mutter out any words, only a nod. It felt like a weight was lifted off me when he started to walk over to me. I couldn't even process the fact im about to cuddle with katsuki bakugou, I just needed contact. I don't know if it's because he's the first alpha I saw, or if it's because he's him. But I needed him.

Although the awkwardness was very loud when he got in the bed. I managed to sit up some, facing him. Using all my strength I moved towards him, climbing in his lap and wraping ny arms around his neck. I nuzzled my head into his neck, smelling his pheromones. He had wrapped his arms around me, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I already know my relationship with him will never be the same after tonight. But that's something I can deal with when my heat is over, and I can actually think.

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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