Angry Mebius!

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Normal day in the Land of Light, Mebius and Hikari was hanging out at their breaks. They were near a fountain and the middle of IDGF, Hikari was kinda busy with his work using his technology bracelet.

Mebius : Hikari,where do we go next?

Hikari didn't reply him back,he was to focus with his works. Mebius start to feel sad.

Mebius : Hikari.. answer mee!

Mebius start to shake Hikari shoulder. Hikari accidentally hit Mebius back at his hand. Hikari didn't realize what he just did

Mebius : Hikari..Hmp!

Instead of being sad,Mebius walk from there stoping every step until he get to a certain place. A few minutes later, Hikari was done doing his works. He was calling Mebius to go back but he didn't hear a reply. He looks at his side and Mebius was not beside him. He was confused,he then try to call for Mebius with his gadget but it was declined many times. Hikari still confused and start to thinking back of what happens. He realised what he did and starts to find Mebius.

A few hours went by he still doesn't find Mebius,he started to get worried and go to the ultra brothers.


Zoffy : come in!

Hikari goes in to the lounge where only the ultra brothers would rest a little,all of them was there.

Hikari : I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you guys,I was looking for Mebius. Is he here?

Seven : why? Did you do something to make him mad?

Hikari : ye- wait how do you know?

Some of them chuckling and Seven point his finger to someone,an ultra who is sitting on the table while crossing his hand on his chest with a angry face,yes, Mebius.

Some of them chuckling and Seven point his finger to someone,an ultra who is sitting on the table while crossing his hand on his chest with a angry face,yes, Mebius

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Seven : he has been sulking since he got here.


Mebius goes into the room stoping every step he walks,the others was looking at him confused with with his behavior. Taro went to him and ask.

Taro : what's wrong, Mebius?

Mebius didn't reply instead he go to a table and sit on it and glare at a the wall. By his actions,the others know what's going on with him. They silently laugh at Mebius with that cute angry face.

/End of flashback/

Hikari : crap,I messed it up did I?

Jack : you think? Go persuade him before he be like this until he sleep.

Hikari : on it..

Hikari go to Mebius, Mebius saw he coming to him, immediately Turn to another place not facing Hikari. Hikari then hold Mebius shoulder,Mebius hit his hand purposely like how Hikari did. Hikari already feel bad even more. Hikari turn Mebius to facing him,Mebius shut his eyes not wanting to look at Hikari. Hikari is getting impatient, he pick Mebius up and goes out from there.

Mebius : Hikari! Put me down!

Hikari : nope. This is what you get for ignoring me.

Mebius : you're the one who ignore me first!

Hikari : I'm sorry,okay? Now let's go.

Mebius : where are we going?!

Hikari : you will find out..

The room become silent after the two ultra got out from the room. The ultra brothers was speechless of course by those two.

Yeah it is short that why this is called short stories.

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