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As for a normal day for our ultra warriors, there's some of them in a meeting. Not so important but was called by someone.

Zoffy : *walks in the room* so, everyone is here?

Jack : Zoffy, what do you want to discuss about?

Zoffy : huh? Nothing I guess? Someone told me to come here, they said there's something we need to see.

Ace : what? But someone said that you told them to inform all of us that we're having a meeting.

Hikari : I'm sorry to interrupt but from what I heard from you guys conversation, who is this someone that been telling this to you guys?

Zoffy : well someone give me this note. It said, there's something to be shown here.

Ultraman : well someone also give me a note too. Asking me to inform everyone that we gonna have meeting this evening. I thought it was you that gave me this.

Zoffy : I don't use note. I always sent by ultra sign or just message you.

Seven : ok, so, who the hell ask us to come here. I cancelled most of my duties this evening for this stupid false meeting.

??? : Actually, it's not fake!

Everyone was a bit surprised to hear someone else voice. They all look where the voice come from and it's from Taiga. Taiga was behind the doors, everyone couldn't see Taiga but only hear his voice.

Taro : Taiga? What are you doing here and what do you mean by that?

Taiga : I actually don't know anything but someone also told us to come here. They said something important is going to be announced here and we are included.

Seven : you got note too?

Taiga : yea! We thought it was one of you so we agree. .. ZERO! Stop it!

Dyna : alright, I know I shouldn't interfere this but what do you mean by 'we' ? Why are you hiding behind the doors?

Taiga : uhm, actually, we were told to wear something unusual to here and now I am with Zero and Mebius. Got some problems here.

Zoffy : show yourself, Taiga.

Taiga : ah, fine. ZERO COME HERE

Taiga walks in to the room, revealing what he was wearing. He dragged Zero too, to show what he was wearing too. Zero struggle to get away from there but was forced to stay by Taiga. Mebius also walks in after those two. He was smiling happily while moving his body.

Mebius : Hey guys! How do I look?

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Mebius : Hey guys! How do I look?

Everyone was a bit stunned with what they were wearing. Some of them hold their laugh while there's already some people that already begin to laugh. They others either just stare at those three and just wondering what kind of stupid idea they are doing.

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