Chapter 57

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Evie sucked on my bottom lip only to let it go and kiss me somewhere else, our little moans and groans escaping.

She pulled away, looking me in the eyes, like the angel she was and told me:

Breathe in.

And I did. I breathed the air we shared, deeply until our chests touched until she shivered and then we were falling. Her lips were the only air I needed. Our bodies hit the water as she pulled us down. Her leg wrapped around my waist and her hand, desperate to hold on, almost ripped my swimsuit. I kept kissing her. Water, instead of air mixing with our lovesick breaths. I tangled my hand in her hair that floated in the water. I fell on my knees for her as Evie embraced me. And only when we were suffocating, drowning and dying we resurfaced.

Evie gasped against my lips, her tongue slipping into my open mouth. Droplets fell down our bodies in waterfalls. Her throat was covered in the tears the river had shed for her. She held onto me. I tilted my head to reach her. She sucked on my tongue, touching every fold and curve of my mouth, made only for her. Evie's mossy eyes buried into mine. I slowly let her down. Yet she stayed close. Her forehead touching mine...

We swam in the river that had existed long before we did and long before we'll disappear.

We did not laugh. We did not speak. We existed... We lived.

I was straddling Evie as she lay on her stomach, covered in a towel

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I was straddling Evie as she lay on her stomach, covered in a towel. I dried her hair, and she watched the river through the blades of glass.

It is as if we could see the ocean from this place.

Our entangled legs laying in the grass were warmed by the Sun and her green eyes disappeared in the cotton grass. I looked through the grass just like her.

The river flowed calmly and as I laid my chin on my hands... I noticed the water seemed endless. Just like we were little bugs, we had transformed a small, insignificant river into an ocean.

Wide wide ocean, Evie whispered.

The grass moved away from her breath and she blinked, little droplets of water falling into the soil. Her voice was soft and something from a land far away, sweet and sad.

It goes on for eternity... with no end to touch or feel. Wide wide ocean in the midst of a small world.

Evie was talking to my heart. It was as if she was taunting it. Because it knew in its very soul that no matter how wide the ocean is, there will be an end waiting for us. Somewhere behind the horizon. Somewhere where love was more painful than anything else.

I whispered in her ear:

Do you want me to show you true eternity?

Evie knew. She read my mind as if it were her own. She leaned in. Knowing. Wanting.


I kissed her. I laid the world on our cupid's bow and kissed it bare. I gave her eternity hiding on our tongues, sliding around each other. I showed her the eternity on our palms, touching the face of the other. I buried my lips in hers, desperate for the endless river of mead in her soul.

I gave Evie back the eternity she passed me. To be given back, again and again, every time we came back for a kiss. I felt her everywhere... On my breasts, under my hands, and around my legs. If she were melting ice, I would gladly wait for every drop of her to fall on my tongue.

When she pulled away, we remained close. I looked into her eyes which had turned brighter than the Sun.

If this is what eternity feels like... it is not nearly enough, Evie whispered.

I agreed with another kiss.

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