I Can't Get No Sleep

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"Roxanne! Wake up!" My mother called out she opened my bedroom door. I groaned , pulling the pillow over my head as she switched on the lights.

"Five more minutes"

"No, get up now. Please? Our flight is an hour and the movers are here to get your things. Everyone is awake and waiting out in the car, now let's go!" she groaned, yanking off my duvet. I sat up, half- asleep as I looked down at my outfit consisting of a pair of sweatpants, and a tshirt. 'Good enough' I thought, getting out of bed and slipped on a pair of flip flops. I grabbed my bag next to my bed and headed downstairs to see my older brother smirking.

"It's about time you got down here!" Noah complained. "I thought mum was going to have to drag you out of bed" he grabbed his phone off the coffee table and looked up to see our mother, walking down the stairs.

"I did" she walked over to the front door, collecting the keys off the key hook, leaving the house keys behind. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded as Noah and I headed out the door.

"Flight I45 to Baltimore, Maryland is now boarding.

"That's us kids!" My mother smiled, pulling out boarding passes from her purse. I sighed as I walked behind her, dad, Phoebe and Noah was way ahead of her, chatting happily. I was excited to be leaving England because of the all girls school I was in and out uniforms but I hated having to leave some of my friends behind.

"Are you ready?" My mother asked, handing over our boarding passes. I swear she was more excited than I was.

" I am, let's get out of this country!" said Phoebe happily.

" Phoebe, calm down" Dad said, standing next to my mother's as the boarding passes were being checked.

"I guess..." I trailed off, heading through the gate and up the ramp.

" This is going to be amazing" Phoebe cheered. I rolled my eyes and made my way into the plane, digging through my bag.

"Don't you even think about it until the plane takes off" my mother scolded.

"I wasn't thinking about nothing" I lied.

"Don't start" I pulled out a magazine and sat down in my seat, ignoring my parents and my siblings.

"Wasn't gonna"

"Liar" Noah whispered" Ladies and gentleman , please place your seats in the up right position and get ready for take off. Please keep all electronic devices turned off until take off. Thank you for choosing American Airlines. We'll arrive in Maryland in approximately eight hours".She hung up the intercom, heading through to the back of the plane.

"Just shut up already" I whispered under my breath.

"Roxanne" Mother dearest scolded. I put my earphones over my head as I waited for us to take off, staring out the window.

"Young lady! You're not supposed to have music until we take off!" An elderly lady scolded as I held up my unplugged headphone cord.

" Are you happy now, Mr. Krabbs?" I asked sarcastically.

"Young lady you don't have to be so rude!"

"And you don't have to be such a bitch!" Noah snapped.

"Why I never!" She stuck her nose in the air and turned around in her seat.

This was going to be a long flight.

"We're here" I looked out the window to a pale yellow house with a white picket fence, already hating the house. Lovely... I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car , music blasting through my headphones.

"Mom! The neighbors are here!" A tall lanky boy yelled out, running out of the house next door. He ran over excitedly as I ran into the house and up the stairs to my empty room. I watched out the window , seeing the boy's smile falter as my mom pointed up at my window when I ducked, hiding my head. I laid on the dark hardwood floor, staring up at the white popcorn ceiling. Who's bright idea was for this ceiling?

"Roxanne!" Noah yelled poking his head into my chosen room.


"Mom said to get downstairs and meet the neighbors" I groaned in annoyance.

"Come on, it won't be that bad" Noah laughed.

"How would you know? You didn't run outside like an overly excited dog"

"I was right beside you in the car and don't call him that. He seems cool" he shrugged.

" Then you go talk to him and I'll stay here"

"No, get down there now!" He scolded.

"Alright, I'm going!" I headed back downstairs,peering out the front door to see more people sprawled out on the front lawn.

"Roxanne get out here!" Phoebe shouted, causing people to look at me. I walked out the door, down the front steps and stood on the walkway, watching everyone.

"Roxanne, this is Mr and Mrs Barkat" My mother introduced as Mr Barakat nodded his head.

" Hello dear, welcome to the neighborhood" Mrs Barakat said sweetly in some sort of accent.

"Thank you, you too" I said nervously as the lanky boy started laughing. My eyes widened as realization hit me.

" Jack, Stop harassing the poor girl!" Mrs Barakat scolded the lanky boy. "This is May, Joe and Jack"

"Nice to meet you"I nodded, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"This is Roxanne. Our stubborn daughter" I rolled my eyes as my mother continued to talk.

"Are you going to be joining us at school?" Jack asked. I pulled off my headphones, letting them rest on the back of my neck.

"They are" my mother announced as Jack ran to catch up with me.

"Sweet" Jack smiled.

"Don't you got somewhere else you gotta be?"

"Not until four" I laughed, earning a cheeky grin from Jack. "Yes! I win!"

"Not hardly"

"I got you to smile, didn't I? That's got to count for something?" I shrugged, opening the back gate, walking through. I looked behind me to see Jack hopping the fence.

"You could've went through the gate, Jack" I laughed.

"Jack Bassam, if you break that fence it'll come out of your allowance!" Mrs Barakat scolded.

"It's okay Jack, come to the dark side. We have jackets" I laughed.

"What about cookies?"
"No cookies"
"Damn" he pouted.
"I could make you cookies"
" You can?" Jack asked as I nodded.
"Not today though, we got boxes to unpack"

"Of course, I could always come over sometime and help if you want?" He suggested.

"Sounds fun" I smiled.

"I'll see you at school"Jack walked back through the gate as couldn't help but shake my head at his dorkiness.

"Roxanne, truck is here!" I groaned, heading to the front garden.

A/N: Hey everyone. New story. Hope you all enjoy it. I've been waiting to write a Jack story forever. My last story I was writing g, Lost In Stereo is being put on the back burner for now as I work on this. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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