Tides Change

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Daliss leaves Todak to face Weiyun, and he stares her down briefly. His expression betrays his sense of self directed anger in his failure as a master, but he is also angry at Weiyun for attempting to kill Daliss. Weiyun stares back, still blindfolded with her hood up. Her cape blows fiercely in the winds, and she cracks a wicked grin.
"You're anger will be your downfall today, old man." She says with pride in her voice. "I will kill you and become a true Sith lord..."

"I have truly failed you then..." Todak answered, his heart aching. "But the dark side will do you no better, Weiyun."

"As if you did right by me?" Weiyun cackles cruelly. "The Jedi is a suppressive order of hypocrites! Teaching pacifism and fighting wars, while withholding children from their destinies."

She speaks passionately with apparent anger built up over a long time. Feelings which Todak can sense that breaks his heart. Weiyun was like his child, and yet he was clueless about the spreading darkness in her mind...
"The order is full of flaws..." Todak admitted with no issue. "You are right about the hypocrisy. But you tread an evil road, Weiyun." He draws and ignites his four lightsabers. "I shall do what I must..."

"And you shall fall..." Weiyun grins as she prepares to attack.

Weiyun rears back and Todak prepares with a defensive stance, and she suddenly leaps backwards - escaping the conflict... Todak was stunned for the smallest moment, but quickly went after her, deeper into Greene tower. It becomes obvious to Todak that she didn't have much of a chance to beat him in a straight forward fight, so she'll be trying to lure him into some sort of trap... It is a difficult situation: On one hand, Todak runs right into Weiyun's trap, risking death in order to capture her, and on the other hand, he could leave her be but risk her causing more harm to his mission from the shadows. He decides to go after Weiyun regardless, trusting in the force to see him through whatever trap she has set, and his team can finish the mission without him.
Todak follows Weiyun into the fortress wall, where he runs into a droid recharging station. Some B1s attack him and he destroys many of them quickly, but Weiyun attacks Todak with lightning out of nowhere while defending himself against the droids. Todak leaps over the lightning, hits the roof and leaps off of the ceiling towards Weiyun. She defends against his sabers but he quickly overwhelms her. Todak pushes Weiyun through a door and into a hallway, and she backs away while he follows up with more attacks of his four lightsabers. Todak tears up the walls, floor and ceiling, utilizing a graceful and aggressive style with lots of jump attacks. The only reason Weiyun can defend against him is because he trained her for many years and she knows his techniques.
Todak kicks Weiyun in the face, and knocks her towards the end of the hallway where she hits the wall and makes a crater upon impact. She falls to the floor, laughing and coughing.
"Surrender, Weiyun." Todak says, approaching cautiously. "You don't stand a chance..."

"You've beaten yourself..." She says, standing up. "Stupid monkey!"

Before Todak react, the ceiling blasted open and began to collapse. Weiyun disappears and Todak stops rubble from falling around him - he was led underneath the blast site where the anti air cannons were set up on the wall... Todak holds up the rubble using three of his arms and the force, and grabs his commlink with the other hand. But suddenly, before he could try and communicate with anyone, the floor collapsed underneath Todak and he fell through... The Jedi master is buried and crushed underneath the rubble as a large portion of the wall falls apart.

Todak coughs up blood, rendered immobile by the stone and metal encasing him in darkness. Pieces of the debris are moved out of the way and light shines on Todak's face. He's covered in blood and dirt, and Weiyun is standing over him.
"What a fool you were." She says with cruel satisfaction. "You fell right into my trap like dimwitted child..."

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