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The battle in Hang castle took a bizarre turn from the republic's perspective: The Dofomians turned on the droids suddenly, and they don't know why. Weiyun did kill several Dofomian troopers for one Jedi, but that doesn't exactly warrant a complete turnaround. Qerreth, who has taken over command in Icarus' place, guesses that some sort of mutany happened, which isn't so far off. But with Dofomians and clone troopers firing on the battle droids, the fight ends quickly. The small amount of Dofomians knew that they would have no chance against the republic forces without the droids and surrendered once the battle of Hang castle was over. They are not warriors. They will not die for a lost cause...
Only a very small amount of droids are left, and they are holding up in the main structure of Hang castle where general Keth supposedly is. Captured Dofomian troopers explained what happened within; that Weiyun went mad and turned the droids on them. The last of the droids are cleared out of Hang castle quickly enough, and general Keth and a squad of Dofomian troopers were found cornered by the droids. Qerreth and Daliss stand before him in a hangar. He is cuffed and ready to be taken away, and the Dofom campaign is over. Its been a long three years and these two Jedi have lost a great deal to get to this end.
"It is a sad ending to this story..." Keth said to the Jedi. "Dofom doesn't want the republic here. Your colonies. Your control."

"You only speak for half of Dofom." Qerreth answered back. "There are a great many who appreciate the republic's presence. The resources they share. The protection they give."

"One day that will change." Keth said angrily. "One day they will all see that living under your thumb is no way to live."

"Maybe you're right..." Daliss says, surprising Qerreth. "But you sided with the Sith and their deciples of the dark side. It was Weiyun that caused your failure ultimately. And it was the dark side that drove her decisions."

Keth sighs deeply, knowing that the young Jedi is right. And with nothing else to say he is taken away. There is only one more thing to do: Capture Weiyun. They know where she is, and Qerreth is leaving that up to Daliss, since he is more injured than her, and she's already beaten Weiyun once. He is walking with her in the hangar, both of them bandaged up.
"Before you leave, Daliss." He says as they approach a transport ship. "Be careful with your anger. Weiyun will try and manipulate it to overcome you."

"I know." Daliss says after a deep sigh. "I know... I will try my best."

"I know you will." He says, smiling at her. "May the force be with you."

Daliss surprises Qerreth with a hug, and he pats her on the back.
"And also with you." She answers, letting Qerreth go. "See you soon."

"See you soon, Princess." Qerreth said finally, as Daliss got onto the ship.

She never expected that Qerreth would use her nickname, but it made her happy to hear it. In a way it fully solidifies him as her friend, and not just a fellow knight.
Daliss is not going alone to capture Weiyun. She is bringing the diamond squad's best troopers which, of course, includes Wac, Crater, Hoarse and several others. Nobody needs to duel her, just kill or capture her quickly and get this over with. When things went south for her, Weiyun took a ship and tried to fly away, but she was chased by a Dofomian flyer. She managed to destroy the flyer but took damage and crashed on one of Dofom's icy moons while trying to leave the planet. Now, she is finally stranded with nowhere else to run...

Daliss is standing right by the ramp of the shuttle, ready to get going as soon they land and it opens. She is boiling over with anticipation. That woman was her friend and she killed her master. Todak was like a father to Daliss and Weiyun killed him. Daliss is eager to see her either brought to justice or killed...
The shuttle lands by Weiyun's wrecked ship, which appears to have nearly fallen off of an incredible deep chasm. The ship also looks like it rolled around before sliding towards the edge so Weiyun is probably injured from the crash. There is nothing for at many, many miles. In the distance there is a glacial mountain with some buildings on top of it, but Weiyun could not have made there in the time frame she had.
They all investigate the scene, and Daliss is standing by the edge of the cliff, looking into the dark chasm. She can't see the bottom and it just looks like an icy abyss. It almost feels like the darkness is beckoning her... There is something very strange about that chasm. Daliss snaps out of it when she hears that crackling lightning, however. She turns around and sees Weiyun electrifying some clones and then cutting others down with her saber. Daliss ignites her lightsaber - a blue beam bursting out and she charges in. She and Weiyun clash sabers aggressively, both of them tired and injured. Beaten, bloodied and bruised. Weiyun finds an opening and pushes Daliss back with the force and the knight flies back towards the cliff and starts to deal with a few more clones. She cackles madly and hits the ground with her palm, making a large shockwave that knocks the rest of the clones down, and then Weiyun leaps in the air towards Daliss. The Jedi rolls out of the way and up on her feet and they both swing aggressive slashes at each other that clash. Daliss continues to fight Weiyun, but she is too weak and she is beaten back. Weiyun kicks her in the face, punches her in the stomach - grabs Daliss by the throat, lifts her up and chokeslams her onto the hard, frozen ground.
"I enjoyed killing our master..." Weiyun says, making Daliss tear up. She has that same, wicked, evil grin, but she's thoroughly exhausted. "And... I'll enjoy... Watching your head... Fall down this pit..."

Weiyun raises her lightsaber, and her arm is suddenly shot and she drops her saber into the chasm - it was Wac! He shoots her in the back before she turns and pushes him with the force, and then Weiyun suffers a roundhouse kick to the face from Daliss. One, powerful kick fueled with all of the rage and frustration and depression from this entire experience brought by Weiyun's turn to the dark side. Weiyun is slammed into the ground, and Daliss rips her blindfold off to see the woman she once called friend. Weiyun is truly evil, and Daliss sees it, she sees the evil in her yellow eyes. During their encounter in the battle of Ayro, Daliss could through the force that this falleen woman was Weiyun, even beyond her blindfold and hood. But now, its like Daliss is sensing a completely different person entirely...
Suddenly Weiyun grabs Daliss and tries to push her off of the cliff, and they both struggle and fall. Wac catches Daliss, holding her hand to keep her from falling. But Weiyun is holding onto the side of the cliff. She looks up at Daliss, and instead of begging. Instead of cursing. Weiyun laughs...
"Enough, Weiyun...!" Daliss says, exhausted and angry, but holding her hand out. "Take my hand... And accept defeat... Take my hand and I'll help you..."

Weiyun's laughter dies down a little bit, and she draws a small knife from her belt and tries to stab Daliss' hand. But the Jedi pulls her hand away quickly enough and the knife goes into the ice. Even after all that's happened, all that she's taken from Daliss, she was still willing to help Weiyun... But even when hanging off the side of a cliff she rejects Daliss and lashes out hatefully...
"I...! Have had...!" Daliss yells, starting to kick Weiyun in the face repeatedly. "Enough of...! YOU!!"

One more kick and Weiyun falls into the chasm to her death. Laughing all the way. Daliss has never killed anyone before. Not even the Dofomian troopers she was fighting against in Hang castle. She just killed Weiyun, a woman she's known for most of her life. Daliss is angry, confused and sad all at once, and even though Weiyun and her evil ways have ended, there is no hint of relief because to Daliss, no matter what Weiyun's done, she still thought of her as a friend...

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