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I separated my lips from hers, and started at her for a while, before kissing her again, without knowing this time she was awake.

I blushed when i saw Millie open her eyes and smile, she kissed me back.

-You're here.- She whispered.

-I'll always be here.- I answered.

-You better be.-

I smiled, she hugged me and slowly got up from the bed.

-Why did you dissappear?- She asked.

-I didn't want to. My parents, they locked me in my room.- I answered with a small frown.

She kissed me again, i didn't hesitate and kissed her softly, but was interrupted by the door opening.

-Sadie Elizabeth Sink!-I heard my mother yell my name, with my father behind her.

-You.. Her! We strictly told you royalty can not have same sex relationships!- My mother yelled.

-I don't care.- I said, very coldly.

-How dare you speak to me like that!-

-I don't want to be a queen, or a princess. I want to live my life normally, without any royalty bullshit involved.-

-This is repulsive! Disgusting!- My mother yelled, and left.

My father of course, giving me the "I'm sorry" look, and leaving with her.

I rolled my eyes before look back at Millie, who seemed traumatized. I giggled a bit, which relaxed her a bit, since she giggled too.

-I'm sorry.- Millie whispered.

-Sorry? Sorry for what?- I asked, looking at her, she looked down.

-For all of this mess.-

-Hey, hey no. No, don't say sorry, it's ok i promise.- I said, lifting up her chin kissing her shortly. She smiled a bit, kissing back, hugging me.

God i loved her.

Royal Love | SillieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang