P2 - Home

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Life would be more enjoyable if I didn't decide to write late at night but fuck it I'm yet again writing late at night, maybe I'd do more if I didn't but fuck it.


We where still making our way to my home whilst the rain was pissing all over us, such a pleasant environment don't you think?
I don't mind rain but Christ o' mighty it was STRONG today.
I looked over at Tim who was occasionally sweeping his hand over his dark hair to get the water off, honestly support the effort but I doubt it was doing much. The only noise I could hear was rain, rain, rain again and finally more rain, honestly it started to hurt I did have my hood up which I mean it isn't exactly water proof but it's better then just using my hand. At an attempt to break the awkward silence and the sound of never ending cloud piss I spoke, "so uhm... do you like rain orrrr?" I asked "it's fine just annoying when in it, like, it's fine when your inside not out."
Tim replied, I think he could tell that I was finding the walk just as boring as he was soooooooo I spoke again. "it shouldn't be too far are you 100% positive the rain won't melt you and you won't be able to make it?" Tim glanced at me and chuckled "I dunno I might die." He responded, I laughed hastily then FINALLY at the end of the forest I could see my home! Lord! At last! "c'mon let's go" I told Tim, I grabbed him lightly by his wrist and speed walked to the door.

When we made it thankfully alive I put the key in the hole and opened the door, I walked in with Tim behind me. I hung my jacket up on the hanger and Tim did the same he walked into the corner of the room and stood there, "you can sit down y'know" I told him "does it matter where?" He asked. I replied shaking my head and then spoke "of course not, do you want anything, like a drink or snacks?"
"No I'm fine" He replied sitting on the couch. "More for me then yeah?" I asked, "yeah I guess" He replied.
I walked into the kitchen and made two hot drinks one of tea and one of coffee, just because he said he didn't want anything doesn't mean I won't make him anything... soooooooo.... I made a drink anyways besides it's not like I'll be offended if he doesn't drink it. I open one of the cupboards and take out, pretzels? It was the only snack I had to be honest but it's fine it's not like there bad or anything. I placed the coffee Infront of him with the tea next to it then I sat next to him "what like, do we do now? I have movies but 80% of them are Christmas themed" He looked at me and replied "what about the other 20%?" I stared for a moment honestly thinking, "10% kids films, 10% horrors" I got up and walked to the case that had my CDS and tapes inside. "That's a strange mix" Tim added whilst twiddling his fingers "strange but good" I replied taking two horror CDS from the case, "which one do you prefer?" I asked him. He looked to me and smiled "whichever one you like the best", I looked back at the CDS and chose the longest one knowing that neither me or Tim had a long enough attention span for it, I put it into the CD player and sat back down beside Tim who was still twiddling his fingers "are you trying to knot them?" I asked poking one of his fingers crossing them together. He stared at my hand before replying "I don't know." I chuckled lightly and looked at the TV "heyyyy, it's starting!", "finally." Tim added he stopped moving his hands and only then did I noticed I still had my fingers crossed with his, I awkwardly pulled my hand away then Tim crossed his arms.

*20 minuets later*

We were only 20 minuets into the film and nothing had happened, we didn't speak to each other either it was utterly boring and I don't know how much more longer of this I could handle. I looked over at Tim only to notice his eyes where closed and his head was rested on my shoulder, just being the good friend I am and checking he isn't dead I poked his chest 5 times and as a response he shuffle slightly. Confirmed it, not dead, just sleeping.
I sat in my spot for a few minuets contemplating whether too wake him up or lay him down or leave him... honestly I just did not know what to do at all. I looked up at the clock, it was only 6:45 he must've been tired, I decide to just leave him next to me whilst I ate my snacks besides the movie was boring so I don't blame him for sleeping.
10 minuets had past, no one died in the movie yet, my friend was still sleeping on me AND I ran out of snacks this was clearly one of the more boring days in my life. Tim shuffled slightly placing his arm around me, I swear I was this close to just falling asleep with him considering how this BORINGGGG ass movie just did not want to proceed there are 25 characters and not a single one has died 33 minuets in. I sighed and waited another 10 minuets until Finally someone died and of course it was the blonde bitch in the bikini, Tim shuffled again but this time he woke up. He placed his hand on my leg to push himself up and he stared at the screen rubbing his eyes, "sorry, did- did I miss anything?" He looked at me "trust me buddy you didn't miss shit" I chuckled, he glanced at the screen then at me again "oh- what time is it?", "7:15, why"
"When do I go? I mean like, I have to walk."
"Well no, I can drive you." I responded
"You? Drive? That's a death wish."
"Would you rather walk late at night?"
"It wouldn't be late if I went now." He looked at me. "Well, I don't want you to go yet, it'll be fine" I replied placing my hand on his shoulder, he looked back at his hands and twiddled his fingers again. I poked his hand to which he opened it and then I crossed his fingers with mine, "just as a warning, this movie is incredibly boring, lucky you slept through most of it." I spoke looking at his hands "then maybe I'll sleep again" He responded, "am I a bed to you?" I asked sarcastically. He responded by shrugging and we both stared at the screen I felt Tim's head rest on my shoulder again, my eyelids went weak and I finally fell asleep.


Words : 1225

I'm most definitely failing my English GCSE but okay.
Finishing a story at 3am, this is why I have a bad sleeping sqedual this dumb silly story thingy.

Follow me or your a coward.

I Will Marble Your Hornets - masky x hoodie / Tim x brian Where stories live. Discover now