✾Chapter 4: Mrs. Morine✾

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The beauty was out of sight and out of mind once he descended the stairs to the underground subway station. 

All eyes on me.

The news 413 days ago made headlines everywhere. Takeshi Mura was the youngest boy sent to Japanese federal prison in 150 years. With that, everyone knew who he was, at least most people did. He slid his subway ticket under the thick dirty plastic to the booth worker. It's been a while since he's been here so it took him a little while to find the right train. B-15. Sounded like a prison number. Another numbered tattoo on his tanned skin was his inmate number given by the prison ward, F-90, within the sector of the prison he was 'housed' in there was 90 people. Him being the 90th. 

Dim yellow lights came into his peripheral right before the train screeched to a hold. He boarded the train among at least 60 other people heading the same way. It was crowded, too crowded.

His piercings and tattoos brought drastic attention his way. 

Japanese transportation meant being shoulder to shoulder with other people the same as you. Not for Takeshi, not anymore. Men and Women steered clear of him, as of he was the youngest person to be charged with that much physical assault in Japan since prisons became legally authorized. That was saying a lot considering that major criminals all across Japan were transferred to that prison. He was...proud? I mean, he did make a statement for sure and since he couldn't rewrite the past, might as well make the best out of his present and future. He was used to many things, but he could never get used to these people looking at him as if he came straight out of hell.

Thank god I'm off that godforsaken train wreck.

Takeshi's black sneaker's stepped out onto the underground stop miles away from his house. The air on this side of the area was fresher, more open land, less people, less pollution and trash houses. 

It smelled..green.

The people over here were happier too, more family's walked around hand in hand walking their little puppy dogs or strolling beside their cats. Corporations didn't reach out this far and all of the stores were mom and pops with elderly owners and generations keeping tradition alive. As weird as it sounded, he also liked the farmers. Kind-hearted and honest people who told you thing how they were without putting you down. Takeshi came across a few of them whilst spending time over here. They were plain folk living simple and happy lives. Like the Morine family who owned a coffee shop Mina and him discovered back in elementary school and had been coming here ever since. Masami Morine owned the shop and worked with her daughter who was Takeshi and Mina's age, she went to their same schools and played with them at the coffee shop growing up. Manami wasn't going to U.A. with them though, she didn't even want to be a hero. 

He entered the shop immediately feeling a strong wave of nostalgia course through him giving him chills.

The days spent as they were younger huddled around a coloring book sharing a few crayons, free peach smoothies from behind the counter, spraying whipped cream into each others mouths when Masami wasn't looking. 

"Takeshi?" the woman with dark brown hair came from the back part of shop looked endlessly into his familiar face.

"Hi.. Mrs. Morine.." the mother figure who didn't leave saw him in a different light which he feared the most. As much as he wanted a job, he hated that she saw him like this. Straight out of prison, tattoos everywhere, piercings, scarred, looking disgruntled, being an ex-convict. Mrs. Morine knew him as the sweet little boy from a hurt family that befriended her daughter when she had nobody for her, who loved her daughter as more than a friend. But that's for a different time. As the little boy who helped her at the shop all those years after school until closing. The only part he will never realize, is that she will never see him differently.

"Takeshi.." the older woman sped up and threw her arms around his shoulders tugging tightly onto his clothes.

Tears started forming in his eyes from the overwhelming love. Love given like mother's love. 

"Takeshi, how I missed you." 

his voiced cracked and croaked hearing those words. He felt his heart collapse in his chest letting her hold him tightly in her arms. "I missed you too Mrs. Morine, so much." more than you'll ever know....

Mrs. Morine let go and held his shoulders getting an up close view of his face so teary and sincere, the real him underneath the traumas he underwent. A soft warm hand reached out to cup his cheek as she wiped away a single tear falling fast as more tears snowballed in his eyes. "Honey, don't cry.." a tender voice made him feel so at home as he continued to cry. "I'm sorry..I just...I can't" putting her arm down Takeshi wiped his own tears so she wouldn't have to.

"Takeshi honey, what's on your mind? What's got you feeling so blue?" with care through her voice he answered honestly, "I just... I don't know what to do. It's so different to me... how can I even live normally?" Mrs. Morine shook her head and ushered him to the empty wooden table to sit face to face for meaningful conversation, which they had at the same table, many times. "Listen to me Takeshi, I can't imagine how hard this adjustment must be for you, truly. But honey, you have to realize it isn't all that bad. Mina and her family, Manami, her father and I...we are all here for you. My door is always open to you and I know the Ashido's is too. You're father and Monica can be.... difficult and harsh at moments so if you ever need a place to stay or leave for a moment we're always here." The handheld heartfelt conversation put him at so much ease. He looked down to the right at the warm wooden floor as she tried to get him to look at her. 

"Takeshi, what else is bothering you?"

Jet black hair whipped around to see her sorrowful eyes, "I'm applying for U.A."

Her mouth went agape, but smiling, "Oh honey, that's wonderful!" a bright smile he wishes he could wear. 

"Will they even except me? I've just been released from prison." 

Mrs. Morine paused for a moment before trying to encourage him, "Well from what I have heard, there's no rule against it. And besides you're extremely intelligent. I remember you helping Manami with her studies."

Takeshi laughed at the memory he missed dearly. "Yeah, I remember sitting here for hours trying to help her. I think we grew sick of each other." It's so nice to hear him laugh, I missed that from him. "And because of that her grades got so much better over the years. She started teaching me things." He moved back a bit from the intensity and back into his own mind, green eyes staring off into the wallpaper. Did he miss Manami? They were in love for so long. She was gentle and kind, hilariously and effortlessly made him smile, not to mention she was beautiful in his eyes. Childhood best friends from around the ages of 6 and 7 when she moved to this quiet side of town. Since 5th grade they liked each other but didn't start dating until 6th. Say they were too young, call it puppy love. Call it what you will. But they were undoubtedly in love.

Mrs. Morine stood up and said, "You know Takeshi, she misses you, a lot. She talks about how your release couldn't be too soon."

So I'm not crazy after all.

His mouth turned up a little into a small smile as he confessed, "I missed her too, tell her I said that." 

"Don't worry honey, I will."

Mrs. Morine walked back behind the counter to take a cardboard based cup in her hand. 

"And Takeshi?"

He flashed his green eyes into hers, "Yeah?"

"You got the job, tell me when you want to start."

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