Chapter 1: The Opprotunity

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Third person POV:

Y/N had just gotten fired from her job. Her ONLY JOB. She had no where to go, no where to stay. She was walking down the beautiful dirt roads of Cosium. How was she supposed to survive without food, shelter, or money to pay for it all?

Y/N didn't mean to get fired. Her boss was strict and if she was even ONE second late, her boss would cut back on her pay. Maybe even not pay her at all.

Her boss, Miss Valerie, HATED Y/N. And I mean HATED. Like DESPISED Y/N.

So at times, Miss Valerie wouldn't pay Y/N at all! For no reason whatsoever! She really was a jerk. It was a win-lose situation for Y/N.

At least she didn't have to deal with her old boss.....but she needed the money.


As Y/N walked down the street, a wagon pulled right in front of her. It was a FANCY wagon at that.

The mobian driving the wagon looked formal. He wore a bowler hat and a nice looking robe.


Y/N knew this guy.

B-But.....he couldn't be here.

Not in the middle of.....

It was Sir. Bowler hat.

Y/N wondered..... Why was HE here?! He was the brother of the king of the Cap Kingdom!!!

Sir. Bowler lifted his hat off his head and bowed in his seat as he greeted
Y/N with a warm smile.

He drove off, but Y/N saw something in the corner of her eye. A wink.

Y/N thought, 'Surely he was winking at someone else'

Or was he?

Y/N walked up to a store. It was her fathers favorite bakery. Y/N remembered haunting flashbacks of her dad and mom dying together, drowning.

Y/N couldn't bear to think about it.

She missed them too much.

Y/N looked at the yummy treats. Maybe she could afford to buy one?

But something else caught her eye. It wasn't the delicious cake or brownies that stood perfectly in the glass stands, it was a poster. The poster said-

                   Maid and helper                                            

Sign up today, and you may be lucky to become one of the princes or princesses loyal subjects! 12 and under only please!

        Tryouts: (the tryouts were today but I don't feel like putting in a random date.)

Meet us at the Cosium gate! Hope to see you lovelies there!

      From his royal higness:
                    -King Kaze

Y/N gasped. She could try out. She could have a place to stay. In one of the best places in the world. She'd HAVE to try out. She'd do it for her parents.

Once Y/N gets there:
(Y/N's POV this time!)

I read the rest of the poster. The tryouts are today! I check the time on the clock in the bakery.

I only have an hour to dress somewhat formal.


I run home to my rickety cottage and get out my nicest clothes. I put them on, while I pretty myself up.

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