How I got to know BTS

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BTS song of the day; Dionysus! Deserved.

Again, this fanfiction is not making fun of the seven members.
This chapter will contain strong language. The members are not written the way they are in real life.


The night I moved in with them went by quickly.
Hoseok wanted me to watch the show Stranger Things, since it's one of his recent favorite shows.
And since he's so nice I decided to do that for him.

I honestly barely showed interest for the show. But I absolutely couldn't stand watching all four season in one night, so we stopped after season one.

And then suddenly Yoongi came in to give us a little snack.
He left immediately afterwards without saying anything.
Hoseok said "thank you" before taking one of the little cookies Yoongi baked for us.

》What do you think of this show so far?《

He looked at me with patient eyes, a slight grin on his lips.
I quickly swallowed the cookie, that was very tasty by the way, and looked at him.

》It's fine, just not really my taste I think...《

He nodded before turning his head back to the TV.

When the show ended and the credits began to roll, Hoseok got up and turned the lights on.
Jimin walked into the room seconds after.

》Finally...! I thought that show would never end.《

Jimin said with a teasing smile.
Hoseok pouted.

》Hey! It's not even that bad. You're a real bitch sometimes, you know?《

Jimin laughed loudly at that before sitting down next to me.
He turned his head to me very slowly.
He looked at me with this expression on his face:

He looked at me with this expression on his face:

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(This is where it gets weird)

》Y/N, I know what you are.《

I looked at him confused.

》You like me, right? I could've known, I mean— look at me! I'm handsome, pretty, everything! I would fall for myself too!《

He said while swinging his hands around like he was giving the most important speech known to humanity.
Hoseok laughed at that, sitting down next to Jimin.

》Who are you? Jin?《

This made Jimin stare at Hoseok in disbelief. He took that personally.

》Shut the fuck up, man. I'm trying to impress them!《

》Cry about it?《

How I fell in love with BTS (parody)Where stories live. Discover now