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"Layla, you are needed immediately. Come to the main building in 5 minutes," Colonel Barnes ordered.
"I'm on my way."
I quickly got in my car and drove towards the main building. Yes, it was literally called 'main building'. I parked my black convertible in the parking spot and rushed inside the building.
"Unit 598, there is a bushfire in Blanville. All of you are going to use the helicopters and fly there. About 20 of you, so about half of you will jump down and rescue anyone in the town. I already have pilots flying the planes. The rest of you will help get the people up. Any questions?"
Silence filled the room.
"Good. All of you can start heading to the copters." Colonel Barnes commanded.
We all jogged to the copters. The thing is, heights really scared me. And this was my first mission in the air. So I guess we'll see how this goes.
All dressed up in our vests and parachutes, we flew to Blanville. I hesitantly peeked out the side of the helicopter and looked down. I immediately stumbled back in shock. We were so high off the ground! There was no way I was going to jump this high.
"All troops, you will be dropping in 10 seconds.
10. Oh no.
9. Why did I even agree to this job?
8. ...
7. Seven is so close to six!
6. I could feel the sweat trickling down my palms.
5. Already!?
4. Am I seriously the only one this scared?
3. I swear I could hear my own heartbeat.
2. Do I have my parachute? Check.
1. There's no turning back.
Adrenaline had kicked in and without a thought I jumped out of the helicopter. The air against my skin cooled me down from my sweat. I released my parachute and I glided towards the destination. I rushed into the houses and checked if anyone was in there. I found a little girl crouched in the corner of her bedroom. I gently picked her up and carried her on my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay," I whispered in her ear.
She nodded warily before resting her head on my shoulder...

I hope you liked it!

Stay Safe ♡

~Stay_Positive08 ~

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