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Pete stepped out of his blue car, taking in the fresh morning air. He leant into the vehicle and got his black briefcase off the leather seats, and strolled over to the front door of the house. Instead of ringing the doorbell or unlocking the door with a key, he simply opened the grand door.

The house was very big; high ceilings, white paneled walls and lush gray carpet. Pete scanned the room, looking for clues to find who murdered the owners, Mr and Mrs Baldwin. He entered the living room and found a wine stain on the carpet. Detective Pete ran his hairy hand over the blood red stain. It was wet. That meant the stain was recently formed . Pete was not scared as he was used to seeing this sort of stuff as a result of years spent investigating cases . He pulled out a silver pen from his pants pocket and took some notes in his casebook. Then he wandered over to a bedroom.

The room was big, just like the house. In one corner of the room, there was a cushioned chair. There was a king bed with an ocean themed bedsheet, the head of the bed against the back wall of the room. On both sides of the bed, there was a wooden bed-side table that had a single draw. In the center of the ceiling, there was a beautiful, golden chandelier. The detective didn't see anything out of place in the room so he walked towards the door of the room. As soon as he stepped a foot outside the door, Pete saw a silver flash before his eyes. Then he felt something bury into his chest, before he fell to the floor.

"Well that was easy," muttered Pete's murderer, satisfied by his work.

Pete rose from the ground, his whole body translucent. Astonished, he lurched back, then remembered there was a wall there. He braced himself and closed his eyes, getting ready for the impact of his back to the wall. But he felt nothing. When he opened his eyes, Pete found himself in a different room. The detective was perplexed. How did he just go through a wall and into a different room? Unless. Unless...

Pete experimented with his ghost self, flying through walls, floating up into the morning sky, and plummeting back down to the earth. Then he started to hear voices. Not voices outside, but voices inside his head. He struggled to make out what the voices were saying, but they sounded like they wanted to give him something. He made out a few words.

"Come to... live again...choose...they die...quickly."

Pete flew out of the house hoping he could hear the voices better in a different place. This time he could hear them clearly.

"Come and find me in the Pyramids of Giza and choose the one whom shall be chosen. You will live when they avenge you."

Pete slowly took in what the voice had said.

"So there is a way for me to live again?" he asked.

"Come and you'll find out," the voice lured.

Pete wondered about what all of this the voice had said, meant.

"I'll go," he said to himself. "I might have a second chance."

Pete the ghost was way faster than Pete the human. First of all, he could go through things, meaning he didn't have to walk around them. Second of all, he could fly, so Pete wouldn't have to go through traffic. And lastly, ghosts were just faster in general. He could easily outrun a car, and outfly a plane.

He eventually found his way to the pyramids of Giza. When he got there the voices started speaking again.

"Find me, live again. Find me, live again. Find me, live again," the voice repeated.

Pete flew into the centre of the biggest pyramid and he found himself in a small room. An emerald crystal glowed brightly on a table. A phantom was inside the crystal, the face not too detailed, but Pete could still see it.

"Choose someone," it instructed.

"What do you mean?" Pete asked, utterly confused.

"Choose someone to kill the one who killed you. When they do, you will come alive again. If your chosen one gets killed in the process, then, you will not be a ghost anymore and have no other body other than your dead one. You must choose the bravest, most skilled, person you know. And they will be your chosen person. So choose."

Pete thought of who he would choose. He knew many people who were brave and skilled, but he would have to choose someone he could trust the whole time, otherwise he would be left as a ghost. But, Pete also didn't want to put anyone in danger. He didn't want to cost any lives. What decision he made now, would be the line between coming alive again, or losing his ghost; the only form of living he had.

"I choose Larry Lotford," he said.

Slowly, the green phantom disappeared. All Pete had to do now was instruct Larry Lotford on how to kill the person who killed Pete.

Pete zoomed out of the pyramid. He wondered if anyone could see him. But that didn't matter at the time. He zoomed across the continent, every now and then, admiring the views of the landscapes. When he finally got to Larry Lotford's house, which was in America, he glided through the door. The spy agent was sitting on the couch, watching the news.

"Hi Larry," Pete said cheerfully.

"Ahh," Larry shouted. He lurched back on the couch. "Oh, it's just you. But why are you a ghost?"

"Duh, I got killed. But listen. I need you to do something. When I became a ghost, which was only just today, I was led to a phantom and it told me that I could live again if I completed a task. But I had to choose someone to kill the person that killed me so I can be alive again. But if the person who I choose dies in the process, then I don't even get to be a ghost. So Larry, I chose you. I need you to kill my murderer. Please."

"O-ok. But what about my work? My boss would kill me if I don't reply to my calls, or go to work," he mentioned.

"I'll distract your boss. I need you to help me though," Pete begged.

"Ok I will," Larry mumbled.

The two friends set to work. Pete and Larry worked on a plan, a map laid in front of them.

"So if he is the murderer, then does that mean you've been working with a murderer this whole time?" Pete questioned.

"I didn't know though," Larry defended.

"I know you didn't, but if you worked with him then that would mean you would know how he thinks, or his weaknesses, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Larry shrugged.

"So then you wouldn't need to skip work," Pete said, "You just need to meet him in a meeting then make him confess and then kill him," Pete concluded.

"But won't my collegues then kill me?" Larry asked.

"Well, if you think about it, once he confesses, then no one would be on his side."

"Ok. Then I'll go to work tomorrow, tell my boss I need to talk to him about something, then I'll get into an argument with your murderer, and walk into the meeting, and then they'll hear what we're taling about. Then I'll somehow make him confess that he killed you and the couple."

"Mhm. I know it will be hard, and we will only have one shot at it, but we have to do it. That is, if you want me to be alive again.

Stay Safe ♥

~ Stay_Positive08 ~

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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