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I walked home from school, my bag light on my shoulders, though I knew it had a lot of books inside it. The clouds were thundering over me, threatening to rain on me. It was only three ish but it felt more like 6 o'clock because of how dark it was. I stepped on something disgusting that was dropped from a bird. I recoiled in disgust.

"Ew," I muttered under my breath.

I continued walking to my house, past the lush green park, the crowded shops and the usual group of teenagers hanging around their new sport cars. I smiled at the thought of how happy my life was. Little did I know I was about to be scarred for my life...

As I walked through the small and quiet streets of my neighbourhood, I had a weird feeling. It was the kind of feeling that you get when you think you're being followed. Normally I would ignore the feeling, but this time it was trying to tell me something. I quickly glanced behind me, desperate to know if someone was following me. However, when I glanced back, something caught my eye. A balloon, floating up, still close to the ground as if it had only just been released from someone's grip.

It wasn't just any balloon though.

It was a red balloon.

A shiver went up my spine. I started running towards my house in alarm, taking the shortcut. I knew I shouldn't be taking the shortcut through the creepy alleyway (though even with my training I would have no problem getting through it quickly), but faster was better, right? Wrong. As soon as I turned into the pitch black alleyway, I knew I had made a mistake...

Big writing was drawn across the buildings that made up the alleyway, dripping with red spray paint. It read, Look Behind You. The spray paint was dripping slowly. Almost like blood. A lot like blood. In fact it was blood. I shuddered, this looked like something you would find in a horror movie.

Cautiously, I turned around and stumbled back. I was facing a clown. A killer clown. The clown creepily cocked its head to one side. Then it started running after me. Surprisingly, I didn't scream. Instead, I turned and ran to my house.

As I approached the door, I rummaged through my bag to find my house keys, unlocked the house and ran inside. I was expecting the killer clown to have already caught up to me when I unlocked the door, but I didn't see it or hear anything. I ran to the wooden back door, made sure it was locked, before running through the kitchen. Something caught my eye. There was a bright yellow sticky note on the silver fridge. It read: Out having dinner with Dad, love Mom.

I sighed. I was alone. I ran to my bedroom, closed the door and locked it, pulled out my phone from my pocket and called my mom. No answer. I called my dad. No answer.

"Come on," I said, losing hope.

Maybe my brother would answer. Again, no one was responding. I held my breath and called the police, hoping someone would pick up. Someone did. Hope swelled inside me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What is-" the person at the other end started to question.

The line went dead. All the hope inside me rushed out like a river. As if nothing could be worse, the front door started to creak open...

Stay Safe ♥

~ Stay_Positive08 ~

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