Chapter 19

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Angel's outfit

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Angel's outfit

Angel's outfit

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Angel's P.O.V

We could have been there in each other's arms for hours and I would have been unaware. How long were we staring at the heavenly scene around us? I would never know. 

I was in awe at the freckled stars above us, so bright, so mesmerizing. I have always found joy in the simple things of life; a fresh cup of coffee, the way the horizon lights up at sunrise, to the way that nature always seems to paint the most extravagant pictures. Such as the constellations found above. The sky was clear, and the crescent moon was on full display, lighting up the night. "It's so beautiful." I said aloud. 

Turning my head, I saw that Chad was no longer looking up, instead he was directing his attention towards me. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Is something wrong?" I asked, sitting up. "No. I was just enjoying the view," he said, smiling. I'm not sure I had ever seen him with a genuine smile, usually he was just smirking at something malicious that he had done. 

As he lay there on his side, head resting on one arm, looking back at me I found myself wanting to go closer and cuddle myself into him. Where was this all coming from? This was so unlike me.

I felt embarrassed, as I was reminding myself of the girls that used to flaunt themselves to him. "It's different because he's, our mate. The feelings are only natural," Amara said, making me roll my eyes. I highly doubted that he wanted a clingy mate. Hell, I wasn't even sure that he would want someone like me as his mate in the first place. Come to think of it he probably didn't see what I saw. He was probably bored out of his mind. 

"I should probably get going." I said, abruptly standing up. He followed suit, leaving him towering above me. I tried not to move back, but it would take some getting used to. After all, his demeanor was still a bit intimidating. 

"What's the rush?" He asked, reaching down for my hand, enveloping it in his. The shocking tingles that erupted through my arm became absolutely electrifying. "It's just-I've missed too much school and I should get ready for tomorrow." I said, trying to keep my breathing steady. "Plus, Michael and Mary are probably worried. I-I should go see them." I said, feeling guilty for not thinking of them sooner. 

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