Chapter 23

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Angel's P

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Angel's P.O.V

As Chelsea and I descended it felt as If we were cascading down a slippery slope. One wrong move, one wrong decision could change my life forever. What if I would never be ready to receive the mating mark? What if the choice were taken from me? What if I were to wait too long and one day Chad decides that he doesn't want to wait for me any longer? The thought of him choosing someone else gnawed at me. 

Although, as I saw Chad look over to me, I couldn't help but feel a wave of assurance flood through me. Due to what Chelsea had said I couldn't help but reevaluate his expression all together. The way the world faded out whenever he stopped to look my way made the inexperienced side of myself feel special, loved even. Though, I couldn't allow myself to be that naive. He could never love me.

Chelsea ran over to John like she had forever been deprived of him in the few minutes of us talking. I walked slowly, carefully over to Chad as he held out his hand, motioning for me to take it. Once I did, he brought me in for a close embrace, his scent, his musky cologne consuming my senses. 

"What are we having?" Chelsea asked, still wrapped in her mate's arms. "Lasagna." Mary said, taking a pan out of the oven, while Michael began to clean up the mess around her. Never before had I paid much attention to their affection. Perhaps, I was too stuck in my own self wallowing to notice. Now, the way that they lovingly coincided with each other, the way that he looked at her as if for the first time... I forever wanted a love like that, so strong and impenetrable. 

"Go, relax hun. I've got this." Michael told Mary, kissing her on the cheek, and grabbing the pan from her. Immediately she approached me, bringing me in her arms. In later times I would have been reluctant to all of the signs of reflection, but now I wasn't sure how I ever lived without it. It became apparent that I was so lonely before due to myself, not because of those around me.

"How are you doing?" She whispered, letting go. "I'm alright." I said, offering her a small smile. She looked like she had something on her mind, but then she looked to the others and seemingly thought otherwise.

Everyone took their spot at the table, Chad close beside me, Chelsea and John across, while Michael and Mary sat on each end. 

The whole scene just felt right as all of us sat eating our dinner, offering small talk with one another, one of Chad's large hands resting on my thigh. I wish it could have lasted forever, at least much longer than it had.

I knew that there was trouble brewing as soon as his grip instinctively tightened on my thigh. The motion wasn't enough to cause any amount of pain, but definitely enough for me to take into recognition how tense he was. Something was wrong.

At the exact moment the boys went quiet, all three of them with serious, grave expressions upon their faces. Michael stopped mid-sentence, his smile faltering, as John dropped his fork, mid bite, both of their eyes swirling black. Chad's reaction, however, was what worried me the most. His eyes, fully black, his face darkened as if a cloud was overhead, his claws extended as they slightly poked against my skin. 

"What's wrong? I asked but was met with no answer. Neither were the other two when they asked. All three of us looked at each other, then back to our mates, worry clearly setting into all of us. 

"We have to go." Chad stated his voice stern as he stood. The other two men stood abruptly, us now following their steps. "What's wrong?" Mary asked again, Michael grabbing her hand. The other two did the same with us as we were already being pushed away from the table towards the basement door. My heart felt it was going to burst out of its chest from the fear of the unknown.

"Chad. What's wrong?" I asked again as he continued to push me foreword. "Alpha?" I asked, trying to get him to respond. "No time. We have to go." He answered. Michael was the first to make it to the entrance of the basement door, as he pried it open, ushering all of us down the stairs. 

Reluctantly, I followed, still with unsolved answers. The girls looked as confused as I as we were now standing in the dark, cluttered storage room. 

"No matter what happens. No matter what you hear you do not come out under any circumstances." Chad said, holding my face in his hands, placing a passionate kiss on my lips. He looked to the other two women standing by me, his eyes still black. "That goes for all of you." He ordered, quickly hurrying up the stairs. John and Michael following closely behind.

"Mike." Mary, pleaded, attempting to follow up the stairs, but he stopped her before she made it any closer to the door. Instead, he cupped her face, just like Chad had done with me mere moments ago, with black still swirling in his eyes he looked at her. Even from here I could see the worried creases in her face softening. "Barricade the door behind us." He ordered, proceeding to follow the other two men, this time Mary didn't object. 

My attention went towards my mate, though by now I could only see his side profile as he exited through the door. Axel was clearly resting on the surface, clearly attempting to remain in control. From a distance a stranger might think that he looked cool and calm, dangerous perhaps. He stole one last look towards me before he disappeared, and it was then that I somehow knew the truth, he was about to unleash the beast.

The moment they had shut the door Mary sprang into action, running up the stairs to the basement door, grabbing a huge metal bare that I hadn't previously seen, putting it across the threshold, locking us in. With inhuman speed she grabbed the nearest, heaviest objects leaning them against the exit point. 

"What's happening? Where are they going?" Chelsea asked, clearly distraught. "Jacob's scent was caught near the packhouse. No one caught wind of it until it was too late. It never occurred to us that there would be others." She went on, now dragging a filing cabinet easily up the stairs.

 "What do you mean?" I pitched in, a gut-wrenching feeling boiling from the pit of my stomach. "There was an attack at the pack house. They penetrated the barriers. Some didn't make it." She said, now returning her place next to us. "What?" I asked, not believing my ears. "Was this all because of me?" I wondered.

"The witch must have shut down the defense system. They got past the guards without much of a fight. When they made it to the pack house... they went after anyone that tried to get in their way?" She went on, trying but failing to keep her voice steady. 

"Who are they?" Chelsea asked, tears brimming her eyes. Mary waited a moment, clearly contemplating how much information to air out. "Rogues. A lot of them. They were working with Jacob." She told us, looking up at the stairs where our mates just were. 

The last time that there was a rogue attack was the day that my parents had died. That was many years ago but the memories from that horrid night entered my brain like it had just been yesterday.

Sometimes, rogue attacks happened only for the purpose to try to overthrow the pack. I was not daft though; rogues don't usually send spies in a strategic attempt to gather information. Rogues were never known to follow orders or to work with witches and create well thought out plans. If they were working with Jacob and a witch, then what did that mean? To go through those lengthy measures there must have been some sort of purpose for it all.

"What do they want?" I asked, afraid of the question itself. "She waited a moment, clearly not wanting to answer. I held her gaze, trying to show her that I could take whatever information that she gathered from Michael. 

I couldn't be weak any longer, I needed to be strong, especially in a moment like this. Chad needed me to be strong. So, with everything I had I held the tears back, I held my head as high as I could, balling my fist. I could not show them the terror that was coursing through my veins, the fact that if I relaxed my hand, they would see involuntary shaking... More than anything I needed to find strength.

However, the answer that left her lips was enough to leave me feeling paralyzed. In that moment my eyes glassed over as fear started to consume me.

"You, Angel. They want you." 

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