The House of Differences

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The massive house, Castleward was built in the 1760s and located about 30 miles from Belfast, Ireland.

The first owner of this house was Bernard Ward and his wife, Lady Anne. One of the striking features of this house was the existence of two architectural styles. The back part of the house was built in the Gothic style, while the front part of the house was built in Neo-Classic style. This house was built this way because Bernard and Lady Anne could not agree with the architectural style of their house. Not only were they different in architectural style, but they also had so many differences that Lady Anne finally decided to leave the marriage.

Depending on your viewpoint, that house could be used as a symbol to celebrate the existence of differences, or a monument of their pride. Differences in thoughts, feelings, and hopes of husband and wife are quite common in a family. How the couple sees the differences will decide the happiness of their marriage. Let us view each difference positively, and be open to receive and adapt to each difference. When husband and wife can accept each other and be ready to adjust, differences in the family will enrich their married life.

Prayer: Lord, teach us not to focus on our differences. Allow us to accept one another and focus on Your plans in our family life. Amen.

and above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness.

- Colossians 3:14 ASV

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