A dangerous game comes upon Riverdale

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A new school year came upon me as new student body president but without Archie beside me, Cheryl asked Mr. Weatherbee be to be the second lead since I was first and I agree in hell no way was Veronica gonna be warming up Archiekins seat. It was father fault his in jail so I agreed just to be a total bitch and let Cheryl be on my side. In the locker room I was changing

 In the locker room I was changing

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when Veronica came bursting in

"Cheryl, what the hell do you think you're doing, trying to steal Archie's vice presidency?"

"Who would you have lead us through the super dark times of junior year along with Sapphire? Ethel Muggs? I saw the poor girl earlier. She was fuguing about some winged creature that was after her."

"Actually, I was thinking I'd keep Archie's seat warm." I snort a laugh

"Why? When JFK was shot, Jackie O didn't become president. Lyndon B. Johnson did."

"And then he lead us into Vietnam. I'm just saying. Her man's in the big house, Cheryl. Give her a break."

"I get it, and I sympathize... Up to a point. But let's be reals, Veronica. I need this vice presidency for my college applications a lot more than Archie does."

"Ain't that the true." I said

"Sapphire your okay with this?"

"Oh Veronica please let be serious I more than agree." I said before closing my locker

"Tottles." And head off in the blue and gold with Betty

"Hi, I'm checking in on the status of a friend of mine. Ben Button? ...... Oh, wait, he's out of the ICU? That's great. Uh, what time are your visiting hours? Uh, thank you."

"Well at least that's something right?" She nods then a girl came in

"Hi. I'm Evelyn. And you're Betty Cooper? Oh hi and you are?"

"Sapphire Jones." I asked confused who this girl was

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"Well, not exactly. We almost met through your mom and your sister. They're studying with my dad."

"Edgar Evernever." What kind of a name is that!

"Yeah. That's right. Anyway, I go to school here now, so I just wanted to say hi, and to let you know that I won't tell anyone about what happened the other night." I was confused on what she meant

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, your seizure, of course." My eyes widen

"Wait, sorry, you... You were there?"

"Yeah, your mom invited us over for a cookout and to burn a few of her things. So, how are you feeling?"

"Uh... Um... Uh, you know what, Evelyn? We have to go. We have to visit a friend in the hospital, so..."

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