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I moved to AO3 cuz I couldn't find any fics that entertain me anymore here, I must hv read all the good or average ones in wp! man that stage when u realise there's no more fics to read, may be I'm being dramatic but my heart shattered lol cuz when reading fics is kinda routine to you
I hv already knew abt AO3 long time before since I use twitter , people there's mostly read fics from AO3 than frm wp, but u know when it's a new platform u will be hesitant to try fics there? when u r not adapted to that surrounding, that's why for long I hv never ran to that area for reading fics but now I'm kinda forced to since I hv nothing left to read in wattpad but NO REGRET! WHERE I HAVE BEEN!? THERE ARE SOO MANY FCKIN DELICIOUS FICS THERE, sorry wp lovers AO3 fics are 100× greater than wp, especially u know most fics here are quite very childish? no offense, I appreciate the ones who do a hard n frustrating job to post a fic, but it's not my thing, I rarely pass a fic that's not cringey here, there are some countable ones here that's not cringey or childish tho, one thing abt AO3 is u will never find a cringey one hehe,fics are like detailed there u will feel like watching movies, it's a great experience, I'm glad I gave a chance to AO3

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