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The Rathore family was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. After much discussion and consideration, they had unanimously decided that Irisha was the perfect match for their beloved grandson. The elders of the family were eager to take the first step towards making this union official.

The Roka ceremony, the traditional Hindu rite that signifies the intent to marry, was the natural next move. This symbolic "stopping" of the search for a life partner was a momentous occasion, one that the Rathore clan was eager to undertake. They had already reached a consensus among themselves - Irisha was the chosen one, the girl they wholeheartedly welcomed into their family.

Now, the only missing piece was Irisha's own opinion on the matter. The family was confident that she would be receptive to the idea, given that her own grandfather and even Aatreya, her close friend, had already given their full consent. There was no reason to delay the process any further. The Rathores were ready to move forward with the preparations for the wedding, but they wanted to ensure that Irisha was equally excited and willing to take this first step towards matrimony.

With bated breath, the family eagerly awaited Irisha's response, knowing that her acceptance would pave the way for a beautiful new chapter in all their lives.

Despite the palpable excitement and anticipation within the Rathore family, there were undercurrents of jealousy and unease bubbling beneath the surface. Irisha's uncle and aunt, driven by their own selfish desires, secretly wished that their daughter could have taken Irisha's place as the chosen bride. However, for now, they were forced to conceal their true feelings and go along with the family's decision, biding their time until an opportune moment presented them for breaking everything (khurapati l9g kahike).

In contrast, Irisha's cousin sisters were genuinely happy for her, recognizing the honor and privilege that came with being welcomed into the prestigious Rathore clan. But even amidst this joy, Irisha's grandfather harbored a deep, underlying fear. He had witnessed firsthand the brooding nature of Aatreya, the imposing man whom Irisha had agreed to marry. The grandfather knew the weight of the responsibility he was entrusting to the Rathore family, praying that they would indeed treat Irisha like a queen.

In the whirlwind of preparations, the Rathores swiftly arranged the Roka ceremony in a mere 30 minutes, eager to cement the bond between their families. However, in their haste, they seemed to have overlooked the most important person in this equation - Irisha herself.

Irisha, while outwardly giving her consent, was inwardly a bundle of nerves and trepidation. The prospect of marrying a man she barely knew, a man whose very presence filled her with a sense of intimidation, was overwhelming. Standing before the towering Aatreya(are bhurj khalifa jaise height hai humare aatreya ki😅), she felt insignificant, like a mouse in the presence of a majestic beast. Yet, the weight of everyone's expectations and excitement bore down on her, leaving little room for her own apprehensions.

As the Roka ceremony unfolded, Irisha found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, struggling to reconcile her own fears with the unwavering determination of the Rathore family to solidify this union. The future now hung in the balance, as Irisha braced herself for the profound changes that lay ahead.

As the Roka ceremony unfolded, Aatreya's grandmother, Nitalini, took center stage, imbuing the proceedings with an air of regal grandeur. With a graceful flourish, she draped a long, crimson scarf, known as a chunri, over Irisha's head, complementing her elegant anarkali dress. The vibrant hue of the chunri lent Irisha an princess-like radiance, making her the very picture of a future Rathore daughter-in-law.

Nitalini's careful ministrations continued as she placed a coconut, sweets, and a rare, royal bangles (kangan) known as rathore's pusteni kangan. The delicate jewelry that followed further accentuated Irisha's transformation, blending seamlessly with the vermilion and rice that Nitalini gently applied to her forehead - a traditional blessing to signify her new status.

Overwhelmed by the significance of the moment, Irisha dutifully received the blessings of the Rathore elders, touching their feet in a gesture of reverence. As the family gathered for celebratory photographs, Irisha found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, her fair complexion betraying the tinge of red that crept across her cheeks.(girl is apple 😁)

It was then that Ambika and the Rathore twins approached Irisha, playfully referring to her as "bhabi sa ," . This newfound familial intimacy, though meant as a gesture of warmth, sent a tingling sensation through Irisha's body. The once-familiar Ambika she knew as her friend the girl she had saved ,were now her sister in-law, a realization that left Irisha grappling with a complex mix of emotions.

Inwardly, Irisha yearned to flee from the overwhelming situation, but the presence of her imposing soon-to-be in-laws made such an escape impossible. She was caught in the throes of this momentous transition, her heart and mind racing as she attempted to reconcile her newfound status within the Rathore household.

After having fun and snacks Rathore's and irisha grandpaa decided that they will talk to there purohit (family priest)first ,then engagement and marriage date will be conformed after discussion.

As the Roka ceremony reached its joyous conclusion, Ambika eagerly snapped a picture of Irisha's flushed cheeks, wanting to share the special moment with her brother. Ambika couldn't help but feel overjoyed at the prospect of Irisha becoming her sister-in-law. After all, Irisha embodied the very qualities her brother had always sought - humble, shy, kind, and sweet. Ambika knew that Aatreya would treat Irisha like the queen she deserved to be(bechari ambika kuch pata nehi hai isko) , especially since Irisha had no parents of her own, relying only on the love of her close-knit circle of friends and her doting grandfather.

The Rathore elders, Nitalini and her husband, observed the proceedings with pure delight. After years of hoping to see their grandson Aatreya settle down with a woman of strong moral fiber, their wish had finally been granted, their only prayer is now to make aatreya lil bit human, the thing he have gone through is not a thing they can think again .
Irisha's inherent goodness and naivety were the very attributes they had always desired in a future daughter-in-law, and they couldn't wait to welcome her into the family fold.

For Irisha, the swirl of emotions was bittersweet. While she was happy to no longer be a burden on her beloved grandpaa, the thought of marrying Aatreya, the intimidating man she could scarcely stand before, who made her inner heartbeat run like a marathon, filled her with a deep sense of trepidation. Her lack of education and worldly experience compared to Aatreya's stature only compounded her anxiety about her ability to navigate this new, affluent world. Irisha couldn't help but wonder if Aatreya truly desired to marry her or if he was merely acquiescing to his family's wishes.(only if u knew irisha)

As the Rathore clan bid their farewells and departed, Irisha felt a sudden, strong tingling sensation in her cheek. The weight of the day's events had finally caught up with her, leaving her overwhelmed and uncertain about the path that lay ahead.

Finally irisha got tangled with aatreya trap 😉...

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