Goodbye Seoul Part 1

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A part of me didn't wanna leave I was happy I mean sure we didn't get the award at the music awards but I still had fun. I closed the door as gently as I could and locked the door to the dorms. Alright to the bus station that leads to the airport. "Seyoung?!" He looked up from his phone and smiled. "What you have your stuff too that means you..." "Was way ahead of you Yeah I was" I sat beside him and laid my head on his shoulder. "Are we.." "Um?" "I mean are we going to the same place because if we're maybe we could hang out when we can" "To Santa Monica" "Me too look I got my plane ticket"

We looked at each other our seats were side by side. "Only means the trip there and beyond won't be boredom" "Imagine if we have the same hotel" Seyoung handed me his phone I laughed. "No, we did not," He says  I laughed even more but showed him. "We might as well live in Santa Monica" "What?" "I know why you left " "You do?" "Yeah...It's because of us" Then it happened another kiss this one felt eternally like our first one. I kissed back then jumped right into his arms the bus's loud horn scared me. Seyoung laughed I punched his shoulder and we then loaded up our things on the bus.

"4:55 am our flight is at 7 am ahead of time" I shake my head and then looked up at him. "What?" "That was adorable," He says  "Yah" He laughs then smiles "You didn't leave a trail did you" "No I packed everything," I say "Even the house slippers?" "That match with you yes I have those Seyoung" We both laughed and held onto each other's hands. "When we think about it's not us you know running away it's just us making our own path of happiness" "I agree with you we'll have to call Yoojin once we land" "Yeah"

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