Chapter 1

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The blue cat, Gumball, walked furiously out the door right after his mom, Nicole, took his phone away. "I did not do anything wrong" Gumball muttered to himself as he walked to his bus stop. Waiting at the bus stop was Gumball's best friend, Carrie. Carrie is a sweet ghost with hair covering her left eye. She has a body that she just developed, so she is still learning to use it (ghost puberty).

"Hey Gumball! Whats wrong?" she asked. "Nothing. It's nothing." Gumball said in a depressed voice. "Gumball. Please tell me. Ever since you lost Darwin (An orange fish who was killed by a criminal robbing a convienience store.) you have not opened up to anyone. I know, it's tragic losing someone very dear to you, but you need to move on. Look to the future, y'know man?" Gumball thought for awhile then said "Fine. Well my mom took my phone away just because I have not been doing as good as..." Gumball paused for a moment. "Darwin was in school. Honestly, I just want my family to leave me alone." Carrie responded with "Wow really? Your parents must be complete idiots, no offence." Gumball said "None taken, I agree actually" She then asked "When are you getting it back?"

"I'm not sure actually." Gumball said

"It better be soon. Parents should know better than to take a kids phone away from them." She told him.

"Yeah, bus is coming. Sit next to me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Why would'nt I?" She said with a little giggle.

As they entered the bus they looked for an empty seat, but they did not find any. They both were disappointed, and had to sit out of speaking range. Gumball was forced to sit next to Tobias, a colorful rich jock who also is a bully to Gumball, who once fought Gumball for his previous love, Penny.

Carrie sat next to Banana Joe, A banana who follows Tobias around and tells terrible jokes all the time. Instead of talking to Joe she just put on her headphones and listened to her usual music.

"Sup, loser." Tobias said to Gumball.

"Just leave me alone today, I do not want to deal with your crap." Gumball said in a low tone.

"Awh is baby sad? Is baby gonna cry?" Tobias asked in a really annoying voice.

"Why did my mom need to take my phone away? All my music was on there" Gumball thought

"Oh so now you are ignoring me, huh? Well then I will just take this..." Tobias steals Gumball's math textbook "Jamie! Heads up!" Tobias throws the book over 5 seats and into Jamie's hands. (Jamie is a bully who is very athletic, and the gym coach is her Mom.)

"What the fuck man? We used to be friends. And now you do this to me. Just leave me the fuck alone!" Gumball yelled.

"Okay, okay man. Just dont be a dick about it." Tobias replied.

Gumball then closed his eyes and started to think a little before he got to school.

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