Chapter 2

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'Tobias is such an asshole' I thought while trying to make it look like I am asleep.

Rocky finally yelled "We're here, get off the bus!" After awhile.

I saw Carrie ahead of me in the long line of people getting off the bus. 'I sure hope she will wait for me' I thought.

As I left the bus I saw her standing on the side of the bus, just as I hoped she would.

She started out by asking "Tobias get you down again?"

I really wanted to tell her my feelings this time... but again I am too shy and I still dont know if I could trust her with my feelings.

I ended up just nodding and started walking off to the school and headed inside.

"Hey wait up!" She yelled behind me.

I decided to stop and wait for her.

"Come on! Gumball what happened on the bus?" She asked with a worried tone.

"Nothing happened on the bus, okay?!"

'I shouldn't have yelled at her like that, fuck.'

"Im sorry, so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that, I just dont want to talk about it, okay?" I told her directly after yelling.

"Fine..." She said in a sad way and teleported away.

'Ugh, I really just upset her didn't I?' I thought to myself.

I banged my head against the wall in anger at myself, and started to my locker, to get my English book.

As I arrived at my locker, I noticed someone spray painted the word 'Faggot' on my locker.

'Wow, really?' I thought. I then started to feel a big rush of anger come through me. 'One day I am going to smash their face in-- Wait... I need to control my anger. I would just make them want to do this sort of stuff more.'

I ended up saying out in a loud voice "Very funny guys!"

Faintly in the distance I heard Joe's uncontrollable laugh and what i'm guessing was a can of spray paint hit the ground.

I opened my locker, got my english book, and I walked relatively fast to my English class, in which Ms. Simian would be teaching.

'Just another day in hell...' I thought.

Gumball x CarrieWhere stories live. Discover now