a strange new friend (part two)

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The boy blinked when an apple was thrust into his mouth, his eyes wide. Oh, it already tasted good and he hadn't even taken a bite out of it yet!

Then she explained why and he nodded indicating that he understood. Despite the temptation, he did not take a bite out of it just yet and then followed after her, climbing down the tree.

He ran after her, apple still in his mouth. Despite being malnourished, he was rather light on his feet and quick, probably from having to run away from others so often. This kind of situation was oddly in a way pretty standard for him.

Once he caught up, he looked around quickly, trying to find the ladder up she was talking about. "Where is it?" he asked her, not seeing it at first.

The boy peeked over the edge of the balcony and seeing no one there, he climbed over the railing and landed on the balcony floor on his two feet. The balcony and the room attached looked nice. Really nice. Nicer than anything he had ever seen before.
Charlie quickly took a hanging bedsheet out from behind some hanging greenery before brandishing it with a flourish.

"Right here~! Don't worry. It may look flimsy but I've used it to climb up and down from my balcony loads of times no problem!"

Charlie held out the knitted together string of sheets, indicating that he should go first.

"When you get up there, wait for me. Razzle and Dazzle should still be asleep in my room and I don't want them sounding the alarm over a stranger before I can talk to them."
"Right here~! Don't worry. It may look flimsy but I've used it to climb up and down from my balcony loads of times no problem!"

She had said it was her room? Who exactly was this girl that was leading him to more food?

Speaking of food, a little hand went up to the apple and he finally bit into it, enjoying the juicy and delicious it tasted as he waited for the girl to make her way up.

After her new friend had made it to the top, Charlie had gleefully followed and just in time too as her families Hell Hounds had returned to their main area of patrol. She couldn't help but giggle though at the thought of how interesting her apple disturbance must have been for them to take as long as they did. After reaching the balcony, Charlie collected the bedsheets and hid them securely behind one of the huddled together masses of potted plants near the large glass door that led into her bedroom. She giggled some more as she finished hiding them. She was so smart.

Turning back to her friend, she smiled as she held out her hand for him to take before opening the balcony doors and leading him inside. Her room was massive, at least, it was large to a child's standards. The decor was pink and white, with a little bit of red mixed in as apples were the prominent motif. Frills also adorned a lot of the fabric, stuffed animals were shoved in one corner while a large bookshelf took up another. There was also an elaborate dollhouse and a toy chest filled to the brim with toys. A canopy bed was the main focus though, piled with pillows and sheer drapes. On said bed were two goat demons, two goat demons that were very much awake and alert.

"Hey, guys!" Charlie waved rather spastically to the two demons on her bed, her smile even larger than it previously was, "I want you to meet my new friend! He's going to be staying with us for a while. His name is...."

Here Charlie stopped. It was then that she suddenly realized that in all the commotion, she had completely forgotten to ask the boy his name. She turned to her companion, her head tilted somewhat in curiosity.

"What is your name?"

She hoped the boy had a name. If not, she would be more than happy to give him one.

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