Chapter 2♥️

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words- 1348


i quickly look away from robins eyes and dragged Gwen away from the mob, bruce following after us quickly after. Gwen left us to go to her friends + Donna that i think she's getting a bit to close to iykyk😏 Anyway on our way to go to the high school building when we saw my best bestie boo no offence Yamada. Billy Showalter😍 putting his bike in the bike thing with his lock. i ran up to him and tackled him to the ground like the amazing friend i am😝.

he screamed like a little girl when he fell to the ground. "GET OFF MY GAY BOY" he demanded

"WHAT WAS THAT SCREAHAHAHSSHSHS" i started laughing ass on the soggy grass. great i'm going to have a wet ass for the day😃. me and billy got up and i ran to tackle Bruce so we all have wet asses for the day. I saw the fear in his face when i was running straight at him and he mouthed ' no, no, no' "too late little boy" i said in an evil tone "heh" i laughed at his face that i will make fun of him for the rest of his life.

"SHIT FUCK YOU. "yoU FUckNG WHoRe" billy was on the ground but on his knees(😏) laughing his ass off and bruce's voice crack and so was i. we got dirty looks again cos we are slayers🤪. I helped them up and we all started walking to first period. i had first period with billy, so Bruce was a little emo loner. when the bell rang Billy and I said goodbye to Bruce to go to the class. our fist period was english. i was really dreading that. and even worse i had to sit behind robin😃 i really hate that. he always kicks my chair and pulled my hair till it really hurts. well not pull more like detangle it but it still really fuckin hurts. you see ive got quite curly hair way more curly from when i was younger, i love it and hate it, the pros; i get compiments from people who dont bully me, if i can style it good it looks like god itself... thats it actally. cons; get really poofy when i brush it so i only brush it when its wet, gets super tangled quickly, bruce always gets his brush stuck in it when he tries to brush it, annnndddd-

"STUDENTS SHUT THE FU-- sorry..students quite down and listen to me." my thinking was cut short by my moody teacher, must be on his period. "okay! thank you, today we have a new student with us......"

"come on come in-" the teacher spoke, poor kid probably nervous. when the kid walked in i could tell he was a boy. he had short dirty blond hair, he was quiet short but he looked cute. denfienty not my type thought i like, long dark hair and a muscular build. but most importantly not an asshole. "um uh- h-hi my names G-Griffen, Griffen Stagg. Im 15 years old and i-I like backing" he said with a slight smile. 15? must be a smart cookie i want to be friends with him he seems nice. luckly i had an empty seat next to me so i hoped the teacher would put him there. "okay nice to meet you Griffen you can go sit next to.. Finney" i raised my hand and he started to come over to me.

"Hi Griffen, I'm Finney" i said in a sweet tone "hi Finney" "do you want to be friends?" i said with a smile wide on my face.(bro idfk how to make friends💀) his eyes lit up "yes, i would love to" he said with the brightest smile on his face. he seemed really sweet. i think billy would like someone like. robin kicked my chair at that moment and said "don't be friends with guys like this griffen trust me" robin said smugly "oh could you shut the fuck up robin, we get it your popular, "cool" and you're a rich bitch not everyone wants to be friends with you" i said in a annoyed tone while turning around. Griffen had a shocked expression on his face. "i will fuck you up later Blake" he said with anger filled his eyes. "gladly" i said with a smug smirk, he turned red. Griffen was still so shocked. i already know i slayed.

i was in most of Griffens classes so when lunch came round i dragged him into the lunchroom to go to the "losers" table but everyone is just to jealous of our swag. anyway when we got there a sat down so did Griffy "hii brucey waucey and billy bob!" i said as i smacked them on the side of their heads. "hi gay boy" the said in unison. "okay guys this is the new kid" "um h-hi?" he looked nervous " omg heeyyy, you look so cute. in the friend way" bruce said. he was really a nice soul but with terrible parents, they mentally abuse him and they neglect him. i feel so bad for him. but on the other end billy also had bad parents but they were never home due to "business" trips aka traveling around the world for dangerous shit he doesn't tell us what they do. but to reality i saw billy just staring i was so confuse- o-oh? oh🥴 "hi Griffen!" billy says in a sweet voice. "hi" Griffen sounds so glad they like him he looks like a bright light in the dark right now

"GUYS I HAVE THE BEST IDEA"i yelled i didn't care if anyone heard me i'm used to getting judged "what is it finney winny?" bruce questions "yea what" billy says soon after and griffen makes a questions sound (if yk what i mean) "well since griffen is new we should all go out tonight and have some fun to get to know him and so he could know us" i say with visions in my eyes for what to do. "OMG THATS AN AMAZING IDEA YOUR SO SMART" billy yells "OMG YESSSS" bruces yells as well. griffen starts to laugh slightly at the chaos. i think he likes it here and that makes me happy

(a/n just the insta names bruce-parentsissues, billy-deadinside, finney- daddyissues, griffen-bendyboy, gwen-heartz4gwen, robin- amorrobin, vance- pinbally donna-heartz4donna)

(a/n just the insta names bruce-parentsissues, billy-deadinside, finney- daddyissues, griffen-bendyboy, gwen-heartz4gwen, robin- amorrobin, vance- pinbally donna-heartz4donna)

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(finney- the upside down one, billy- blue shirt and long pants griffen shorts and blue top)

parentissues- i hope you fall Finney, i pray for your down fall. also Griffen you're now my favourite person now your so fun<3

daddyissues- bruce kys respectfully<3

bendyboy- omg thanks bruce i rlly like you guys♥️ parentissues replied to bendyboy- same you are so cool

deadinside- finney you whore taking all the attention from my beatuiful ass😝 daddyissues replied to deadinside- no im just way better than your pale ass deadinside replied to daddyissues- at least i dont get beat up
bendyboy replied to deadinside- NAW😧


amorrobin- you guys look goofy daddyissues- omg why are you on bruce's page weirdo🧐

amorrobin- you guys look goofy                                                                                                            daddyissues- omg why are you on bruce's page weirdo🧐

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bendyboy- finney stole bruce's candy and billy is laying in the middle of the road im dead rn

daddyissues- i dont regret it tbh the candy was really good😋 parentsissues- just you wait finney blake

deadinside- this was so funny to watch i even got it on record i loved how bruce tackled finney bendyboy- OMG SEND PLS

pinbally- Griffen why are you friends with the gay kids? bendyboy- because i can and why do you care hopper? deadinside-how do you know griffen?
Daddyissues- yea?

bendyboy- ill tell you tomorow guys k?

parentissues- yea okay🤨

a/n omg i have so much ideas for where to take this book and this will also have insta, twitter but it'll be in pictures and group chats in it soo yea♥️

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