chapter 3♥️

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(hi before i start i wanted to say i got an idea from 'unexpectedly stuck' by w4h0o_06 about how robin and finneys mums are friends but i did the dad and uncle just wanted to say that hope you enjoy the chapter<3)

words 910


today was a saturday and i fucking hate saturdays you want to know why? well its because my dad is friends with Diego Arellono... yup Robin Arellono's uncle. what they do on saturdays you may ask? go out to a pub and get fucking drunk so that mean either i have to go to robins or he comes here for the night and i always want to kms on these day. well at least he has to come to mine so i cant invite brucey, billy bob and griffy my beloveds😍. now they dont know about the friendship between my dad and robins uncle so this will be a surprise for them.

ROBINS POV(finally)

UGH its a fucking saturday which mean i have to go to finneys house for the night. ive been dreading this for this whole week. i mean at least my sister maira is excited she loves gwen theyre the same ages just a few months off. they ove each others company i mean LOVE IT. i wish me and finney could have something like that but i had to mess it up. gwen also hates me i mean i cant blame her if she did what ive done to finney to maira i would kill her. anyway i think my uncle meantioned that finney would have friends over so i gonna bring Vance without asking ofc. its about time to go so ill go pick up vance. like im assuming finney hasnt told his friends about the dad and uncle thing i havent told vance about it either so itll be a 'suprise' ig what you could call it.

time skip to when robin, maira and vance are walking to finneys


when i finally picked vance we started walking over to finneys house vance seemed to know this path 'yo robin?' he started 'yea vance' i replied 'why are we going down this path ive never seen you go down here, where are we going?' he asked ina questioning tone 'we are going gwenys house!' maira yelled in a excited manor. im so glad she has a friend a close as gwen(btw theyre and will be just besties in this book) "gwenny?' 'yk gwen? finneys sister' she replied 'WTF ARE WE GOING TO THAT BITCHES HOUSE?' he yelled making maira flinch she knew about how mean he can be but she never saw this side of him 'heh okay so his dad and my uncle have a really close bond and they go get drank every saturday and i have to go to his or he has to go to mine so thats why i can never hang out on saturdays' i rushed out hoping he wont be mad 'so why did you invite me?' he asked ' well hes having friends over and i throught why not' i said with a proud smirk 'oh... okay'

(okay so billy bob, brucey, griffy, and finnster have a gc and its called 'fags?' look i might change it but idk what to call it rn)

fags? (5:42pm)

finnster: guys

brussey: yes finney winney?

bendyboy: yas queen

paperboy: yo

finnster: ya'll wanna come over fora sleepover bc my dads out drunk and wont come home till tomorrow

brussey: yasss


bendyboy: YES PLASE

finnster okay come rn cos i have people coming over but just ignore them i dont like them

brussey: okay

bendyboy: kk

paperboy: yup okay be there in 5 pussy queen

finnster: kk see yous soon


when the bitches finally got their big juicy arses over here billy went straight to get gwen to come over to us and shit-talk people like we always do 'omg have you seen matty his haircut is ass' bruce stated and everyone agreed. after we shit talked we heard a knock on the door and gwen ran to get it because she was exicited to see maira, ive always loved their friend-ship is so cute to me for gwen to have a realationship with a arellono. anyway she opened the door and she scream 'MAIRA' and hugged her. then she stayed silent for a bit then i heard a 'FINNEY COME HERE RIGHT NOW' so i slowing got up and gave my frienda a worried look the. went over to the door as they followed 'WTF' i said as i saw the door FUCKING VANCE HOPPER IS AT MY DOOR

'finney are you oka-' bruce said running to me and stopped in his tracks as he saw who was at the door 'ummm finney what is you bully and his friend at your door?' billy asked with a worreid look in his eyes ' heh um so this is my dads drinking buddy and he has to come here tonight but i didnt expect vance to come' i explained 'eh idc' robin said with his annoying ass tone 'vance what are you doing here' a short griffen called out 'oh hey gr- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?' vance aksed' 'im at my friends what about you?' he reliped 'HOW DO YOU KNOW VANCE ARENT YOU NEW?' billy called out 'oh yeah his my step-brother' he said with a bright smile on his face 'WHAT THE HELL' everyone called out even robin

a/n okay so thats where i am going to end it and next chapter is going to be a sleepover so get ready for some face masks, random shit, drama, truth or dare and most importantly CHAOS

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