Saved By The Bell

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Emily's POV-

"Get back here!"
He screams. I feel my body being thrown into the table. A sharp pain goes from my ribs to my back. He kicks me. He kicks me so hard the table breaks. Glass everywhere. My back is bloody, my rib is broken. I can't breathe. He leaves the room. I get up, running to the door, trying to leave but I can't get a grip on the knob. My hands are bloody. He sees me.
"I told you, you can't escape me!" He's slurring his words and I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Travis please! Please.. Don't do this! I promise I'll be good! Please Travis.."
"It's too late for that! You know I don't like beans, and there you go, putting them in the chile again!" Travis throws the boiling pot of chile at me. I scream in agony.
"That's right b**ch! This should teach you!" He yells in enjoyment as the chile burns my skin. My phone rings. I can see it's JJ.
"Answer it," He says. "And I'll kill you."
I didn't want to take the chance. So I let it go to voicemail. Then his phone rings.
"Now, I can answer my phone because I'm the good one in this relationship...
Hello? No, she's not here right now. Can I take a message for her? Okay. I'll let her know... That was JJ. Saved by the bell. You have a case. Now go get ready you worthless piece of cr*p. Maybe you'll get shot so I don't have to do it later."
I get up, trying to keep the tears from falling. It'll only make him hit me again. I stop the bleeding on my back, and I wrap my abdomen in gauze so it won't start again. I cover the bruises, I clean the blood off of my hands, and I can barley move because of my broken rib, but I have to. I can't let the team know about this. I know my Travis is in there somewhere. The one he was a year ago. The one who wasn't an alcoholic. I just have to suffer through it until he realizes what he's become...

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