Finding Out

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Reid's POV-

Seeing Emily like this kills me. It absolutely kills me. She deserves the best and what Travis gives her is far from it. He's a low-life jerk who has no respect for her. If I were her husband I would give her everything in the world. I would make sure her day was good, and if it wasn't, then we would sit and talk about it and I would make her anything she wanted, and kiss her until she felt better, make her happy all of the time. And if she's really upset I would cry with her and not rest until she feels 100% better. But I'm not. She's married to Travis who hits her. Not only hits... But throws her. Beats her senseless and burns her. Emily deserves to be happy. I would be willing to make her happy.

Emily's POV-
"So what's going on?" I ask, staring at Reid hoping he doesn't say anything about what we talked about before..
"Three missing persons reports in New Jersey, all in the same area, all brunette muscular men, about 4 years ago the same thing happened. Three missing men. Same look." Garcia kept talking but I kept staring at Reid. He looked like he was about to say something and I'm so nervous he's going to.. He gets ready to say things, then stops.
"What's up Reid? Why do you keep looking like you're about to say something and then don't talk?" Rossi said, Reid shook his head. Then began to speak.
"Emily has something to tell you guys." He blurted out.
"Reid! No really guys.. I don't."
"If you don't believe me, JJ, lift up her shirt!"
"No JJ. No need for that.. JJ stop!" I'm trying to keep her away but the pain is too much. I give up. JJ pulls up my shirt, revealing the nasty gashes on my back. The bruises all over my abdomen and the massive hand print on my stomach.
"Emily! Who did this to you!?" Morgan yelled out, Rossi and Hotch came over and examined my cuts. They got the first aid kit and began to wrap gauze on me again.
"Tra---" Reid began.
"Reid I'll tell them." I done. I can't take the abuse anymore. They already know about it.. Whether I tell them or not they will find out. They see the bruises.. They see everything. I might as well...
"Emily... Come on... Tell us.." Garcia's sweet innocent voice came from the corner.
"It was Travis... Look guys... He's just going through some things right now. He's going to realize one day what he's doing... Please just let it go for a little while. After the case him and I are planning on going to marriage counseling." That was a lie. We never talked about that before. He hasn't talked to me much lately either... It's just been yelling and hitting... Kicking.. Pain.
"Come here..." JJ and Garcia come over to me and we hug. I start to cry..
"Alright. I know this is a hard situation right now. But we need to get to Jersey. Wheels up in thirty." Hotch said. I love when he says that. It sounds so manly. I don't have anything to do for the next 15 minutes before the plane leaves, so I sit in Hotch's office and rest..

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