And The Truth....

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Emily's POV-

I'm walking on the Empire State Building... I hear someone... They yell to me "Emily... Emily! Come down from there..." I look down. I see Travis. He's giving me a look like he wants me to jump. But I don't. I stare back at him. He looks at me and says "either you come here or I come up there." I don't answer. He comes up. "Oh Emily... If only you went down on your own.." I feel his massive arms tackle me off the side of the building. I scream but nobody hears me. I call for JJ.
"JJ! Help! I'm falling! HEEEELLLPPPP!"
I wake up.
"Emily! Emily you're okay! Calm down! Breathe... Breathe..." I feel JJ's hand on my arm. Rubbing up and down like Travis used to do when he would wake me up... I immediately burst into tears.
"I just.. JJ I can't... I can't do this anymore..." I barley get out.
"Shhh... Emily it's okay. It's alright... Just tell me.. What can't you do anymore?"
This was it. I had to tell her. No more avoiding it... I just had to...
"Travis.. I can't take it anymore. He's been beating me for over a year and I'm tired of it!"
"Emily, Emily! Calm down... Just relax.. Look at me! You don't have to take it anymore. When we get back you are moving in with Reid.. Okay? We all discussed this. He's the only one who has an extra bedroom. Otherwise I would let you stay with me."
"But.. I can't leave Travis like that.. He may be abusive, but he's still my husband. We vowed to love each other through sickness and health.. This is his sickness.. I can't just stop loving him..."
"But Emily.. You just said before that you were done... Isn't that already saying you don't love him..?"
"Just because I'm done with him doesn't mean I stopped loving him."
"Emily. You have to let him go."
"JJ I'm not letting him go! He's going to get over this! I know the Travis I fell in love with is in there somewhere!" At this point I'm trying my hardest to scream but it's not coming out. I start hyperventilating and then I see black.. My next memory is Reid and Hotch staring down at me and Rossi holding a cold towel on my forehead..
"What's going on..?" I ask "where are we?" The room we are in doesn't look like the hotel rooms we were in. It was much nicer... "We are in the doctors office Emily.. You hyperventilated and passed out..." Rossi looked down at me and then he looked up at Morgan. Morgan looked at me and I looked back at him. "Hey. How you feeling?" His lovely deep voice whispered.
"Like I've just been attacked by a bus. But uhm... Guys.. I need to tell you guys what's really going on. Yes, Travis is beating me. And yes, he has broken me. But there's something else...." I look over to Reid and he comes and sits next to me. He puts his arm around me and holds my hand........

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