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Crunch…Crunch…Crunch…Nyx’s shoes brushed against the crunchy Autumn leaves. He wandered around the coated tracks, looking for a place to go. He looks at his case and then glares back at his home, his everything, well it once was… He felt his guilt weigh on him, the guilt of leaving such a lovely home, such a lovely family. He felt frail but couldn't care less, he was gonna find a new place to stay, somewhere safe. No matter how sorrowful he was, he kept moving. He soon felt something drip down his face. He assumed it was just blood from his
missing eye - but it wasn't - it was a tear. His mind got used to the thought of leaving - but his heart didn't… He gazed back at his small house. He was pretty far now, the trees of the forest almost completely covered it. He gave it one last smile and began to pick up his pace. He felt free, felt like nothing was holding him back. He began to run faster - feeling the cooling breeze brush against his slim figure. The smile on his face became bigger as he ran - but then -
THUMP!- He tripped over a rock and found his face in a pile of shriveled up leaves and sticks. He lifted his head up, brushing off the dirt while glancing at the beautiful scenery. His eyes sparkled as he looked at the yellow and red colored leaves coated on the tall stalked trees and the tiny pond surrounded by tall grass. But then - he heard a soft gentle voice - “Hello?-”

Nyx raised his head up to find himself looking at a kid who seemed around his age, he had long brown horns and a moon on his forehead, his eyes were two different shades of blue but they glowed like stars. “W - Who are you?...” Nyx tripped over his feet as he stepped back
“Well my name is Ada! I'm a member of the Bright Eyes Center!!-” He put his hand out and lifted Nyx up from the ground “W - What is that?- Is it an agency?- Are you here to h - hurt me?-” He instantly let go of his hand, he was still a bit suspicious of the fluffy fellow. “No, not at all!! I do the exact opposite. We help lost kids from different ages-” Ada answered as he folded his hands
behind his back “Well I'm not lost- I know how to get back home - I just - don't wanna…” Nyx covered his face with his hair - just avoiding eye contact - “Oh- W - Well then come with me Poh
wait - i never got your name-” Ada stopped in his tracks and glared at his new bud “Oh! My name!- Sorry I didn't say…it's Nyx-” He murmured “Nyx? That's such a nice name!! Come on
Nyx!! I got a place just for you!!” He gave Nyx a smile and a wink as they began to trot…

“Miss M!! Miss M!!!” Ada Shouted. A lady turned around. Her hair was a chocolate brown and her hair was held up in a bun, her turtleneck was black and she had a long red and white skirt, her socks were white knee-highs and her mary-janes were spotless. “What's wrong dear Ada?” She began to walk towards Nyx and Ada, she was formal with every action she did. Nyx cowered behind Ada as the woman got closer. “I think we have a new member!!” A smile
formed on Ada’s face “Sorry if he seems a bit shy…He doesn't seem to be from around here-” Ada apologies and bows to her, it seems like an apologetic or respectful form. “Don't worry Ada!
It's fine!” She patted him on the head as she tried to get a glimpse of Nyx’s face “Hey little guy…I’m sorry if I scare you…My name is Madilyn but you can call me Miss M- Im the guardian and or caretaker of the Bright Eyes Center!.. If you want to join us you can, we treat each other like family here. We even go out sometimes to different places to make sure none of you guys get bored” She vowed. Nyx poked his head from behind Ada’s shoulder and glared at Miss M with weary eyes “Hey…I won't hurt you - I promise. We have older kids like you and younger kids that you can treat like little brothers or sisters or maybe even friends” She gave him a
hopeful smile. Nyx stepped out from behind and looked her in the eyes “So would you like to join?..” She held her hands together and gave him a hopeful look “Sure…you guys seem nice-”
He stuck his hand out and shook her hand, preparing for what he just got himself into…

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