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“C’mon…Don’t worry, I don’t bite!” She chuckled - trudging through the leaves with Nyx and Ada in both of her hands. Nyx chuckled back, growing more trust for the woman. “That's a
nice laugh! I like your smile too, your sharp fang thingies make you look so intimidating!” Ada muttered “It makes you look enchanting! I mean - anyone would be jealous that they don't look
as cool as you!” He gave Nyx a friendly smile. Nyx covered his mouth nervously - trying to hide his teeth - not used to compliments. “T - Thank you…” He whispered. Miss M watched the little
boys talk as she walked them through the park - she was ecstatic to find a new friend for Ada. “So Ada my dear!” She exclaimed “It sounds like you two are getting along!”, “Y - Yeah… He
seems hyper and I like it, he kinda reminds me of myself…” Nyx gave Ada a little smile, enjoying the new company. Ada’s tail wagged - excited that someone enjoyed what he thought of his
annoying hyperness “YOU REALLY DO?-”, “Mhm-” Nyx gave him a dreary look. Ada’s heart warmed up, “W - Well thanks!!” Ada looked up at Miss M as his eyes sparkled, skipping along
the crunchy leaves. “We’re here guys!” Miss M announced, “Ada, would you like to show the new member around while I gather the other kids?” she tilted her head at Ada “YES, YES OF COURSE!!” he
bubbled- nodding fastly, Ada grabbed Nyx by the hand and began running around with him - practically dragging Nyx behind him. “OKOKOKOKOK!!” Ada’s tail wagged faster “SO HERE IS
MISS M’S TENTTT!!! SHE MAKES US THINGS TO EAT AND GIVES US NEW CLOTHES EVEN SOMETIMES IF WE ARE REALLY REALLY REALLLYY GOOD SHE TAKES US OUT SOMEWHERE SPECIAL!!! Just don't go in there without permission” He gives Nyx a friendly smile, twirling around in place. “NOW COME OVER HERE!!!” He grabs Nyx’s hand once again and brings him over to a bunch of tents “NOW HERE ARE WHERE WE SLEEP!!!” A big smile
formed on Ada’s face as he shouted “My tent is at the very back but the other tents are for Maritza, Elisha, Alverta, Amee, Bettye, and Cedrick! There are 3 empty tents in the front you can pick from, all you gotta do is write on the flash card and put it in the little slot there and put your stuff in there!” Ada brought Nyx to the three tents, Nyx examined them closely and eventually picked one and wrote his name on the flash card beside the tent, he opened the tent and placed his scarf and hat inside next to the sleeping bag - soon meeting Ada outside the tent. “OH MY GOOODDD!!! YOUR HAIR - IT’S FLOOFY!?!?!!?” He reached into Nyx’s hair and started puffing it up “YOU POOR THING- YOU MUST’VE BEEN SO HOT UNDER ALL OF THAT-” Ada grabbed the scrunchy off his wrist and put Nyx’s hair into a little man tail. Nyx chuckled as Ada did his hair, fluffing it up a bit more. “Hey! Do you wanna see my tent?-” Ada’s tail stopped wagging as he wrapped his hand around his back nervously. “Sure!...It must be as exciting as you…” Nyx gave him a warm smile. Ada’s tail began to wag again as he teared up - his heart seemingly melting. “W - Well come on then!!” He held Nyx’s hand softly and walked patiently to his tent in the back. Nyx
looked At Ada’s tent. It was covered in stickers and his flash card had a bunch of hearts by his name. Ada opened his tent - inviting Nyx in, Nyx soon stepped in - instantly flashed by the scenery. “D - Do you like it?-” Nyx looked around at the tent, there were little stars and moons on the walls of the tent, fidget toys in a little box, a small heart rug, and a raccoon plush on his sleeping bed. Nyx picked up the raccoon and examined it. It was soft and warm. “T - Thats Todd
the raccoon, he’s really the only one who hears me out apart from Miss M- I sing to him sometimes when I practice - he makes a good audience-” Ada gave Nyx a nervous smile as he pulled a toy mic out of his box. “W - Would you like to hear a song?-” He sat down on his cot
twiddling his thumbs around the microphone. “Sure - why not!” He sat down on the rug - sitting patiently. “O - Oh!! U - Ummm…” He looked down at his hands and took a deep breath as his
tail shook every so often, He closed his eyes as he tried to speak - “If you feel lonely~… I can be lonely with you~…” He began to sang for Nyx as he pulled his plush into his arms - feeling
his throat tighten a bit as he worried he might mess up. Nyx sat back - looking at his new friend singing with starry-eyes, he began to bob his head to Ada’s rhythm with a smile on his face. Ada
enjoyed this new company and soon began to finish up his song, bowing once he finished to show how grateful he was for Nyx to be there. “Bonum!! Bonum!! Bravo!!!” Nyx stood up and clapped happily. Ada swayed nervously as he looked at Nyx confused, “What does..Bonum? Mean anyways?...”, “Oh!- It's Latin - it means good-” Nyx smiled a bit. “OH - I’M SORRY IF I DISRESPECTED YOUR LANGUAGE - I'M SORRY-” Ada squeezed Nyx tight, Nyx chuckled a
bit as he patted his head, “Don’t worry - you didn’t offend me!” Right after they both heard talking coming from outside - “Who is Nyx?-” - “How am I supposed to know” - “Maybe it’s a new person?” - “Now kids - settle down…”, Nyx and Ada looked at each other then back at the
tent entrance - stepping out into the crowd of kids…

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