4th Night

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Frtiz's P.O.V.
I was working at the new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for 3 days, meaning it was my 4th tonight. I told Jeremy I was working at the burger place across the street, McDolan's, I think. I turned on my recorder at 3:46 and started to talk, around 4:57 Foxy was running down, I shut the door on him and Bonnie left as well. I could hear the Toreador March being played, so I checked the cameras to see if I could find him, the I could tell Chica was in the office, I could hear her groaning. By accident, I put down my camera to the sound of Chica yelling, I kept flipping my monitor up and down which seemed to prolong delay her from killing me. I dropped my monitor at 5:59, though. She was dragging me to the spare Freddy suits in the back, I knew I had to do something. I put my hand back and, FALCON... PAWNCH! I punched her straight in her beak, it hit 6:00 but the animatronics wouldn't leave. I quickly ran back to my office, jumped into the seat, shut both doors and dialled 243-556-1490, Jeremy's number.
"Uh, hello, hello? Jeremy, is that you?" I asked, once he picked up the phone.
"Yeah, what's up, Fritz?" he asked.
"Um, I, uh, sorta got a job at Freddy's... And-"
"What?! Get back here!" he said, angrily.
"That's the thing, the animatronics won't leave me alone, I need your help, Chica broke my right arm." I said.
He sighed. "Fine, I'll be right there."
It must have been at least 30 minutes before I heard Jeremy open the door, my power meter showed %1 left, that was it, I was going to die. And then it cut out. The Toreador March was still playing, but a lot closer, A LOT closer.
"Fritz! Fritz!" Jeremy was screaming, running towards me. I could hear his footsteps.
"Jeremy, I'm in the main office!" I screamed.
Somebody ran up behind Freddy and pushed him down, I could tell it wasn't Jeremy. The person then grabbed my arm and took me to the Freddy suits in the back, it was a crimson fox, very familiar. My right arm was shoved into the suit's right arm, after that, my legs were as well, but somebody tackled Foxy. My brother, Jeremy. He messed with something in his A.I. which shut him off or something, afterwards, he pulled my appendages out of the Freddy suit.
"God damnit! Fritz, what's wrong with you?" he yelled, angrily, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, I've never seen him this mad.
After that, he put me in his car, even though it was hard, then drove me to the hospital I took him to.

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