Chapter 1

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Taylor p.o.v.

I hate this.

Have you ever hurt someone you loved and have been forced to watch them hurt. I have and it sucks balls.

It's been 3 months since my kidnapping and Shawn still doesn't believe that I want to be his mate. He says it is only my wolf side that wants him and not my human side. He says that he loves me enough to let me go because he knows when we die we will be reunited.

I tried over and over again to tell him that my human side also loves him but he doesn't believe me. He says that it only my wolf side trying to persuade me. Cameron told me all the things fake Taylor did with him and how Shawn fell for him hard. The only reason that they hadn't mated yet was because he felt something was wrong. Cameron said he has some trust issues now. He can't believe that I love him.

What makes it worst is the mask he wears everyday. He acts all happy and normal during the day, but at night I can hear and feel his cries. The cries that I created. If I were to just have accepted him none of this would have happened. Mates can feel the others emotions sometimes if the emotion is strong enough.

I'm so glad Shawn knew we were mates first and avoided me all day. If I would have known we were mates I would have probably rejected him and feel this pain ten folds and that would be unbearable and Shawn would feel it worst.

What makes it worst is that Shawn has been gone for the last two weeks and today is the first day of school and I'm probably going to see him there for the first time in two weeks. I hope I don't break down.

I comb my hair and look at myself in mirror and see my bruises have healed from yesterday. Lately I have been getting into more fights with pack members. I always win though but they always get a good few hits in.

"Taylor your friends are here," my mother yells. I put down the comb and pick up my stuff and then go downstairs.

"Taylor I made you and your friends Breakfast," my mom tells me as she gestures to the buffet if breakfast food. Matt is devouring it already and the rest are just eating and talking. "What are you even doing here," Nash says to Cam. Those two are still enemies/boyfriends. They are at each other's throats most of the times but once in a while we find them in compromising positions.

"I'm here to help Matt if you haven't notice he needs more help now a days," Cam tells him. "Cam. I'm not sick I'm just pregnant," Matt whines. Since Matt's wolf is female he can have children whenever he is in heat. He's usually in heat every 3 to 4 months and it last for about a week.

"Baby c'mon let him help you. You're pregnant and I don't want you to work too hard," Carter tells Matt. "Cartah stop worrying about me. I already am taking all easy classes and you are in most of them. So don't worry," he tells his mate.

I wish I could be like that with Shawn. As if reading my mind Nash looks over at me and gives me an apologetic look. Only him and Cam know that me and Shawn are mates. Everybody else still thinks that the fake Taylor tricked him to think we were mates.

I need to talk to Shawn.

After we're done eating we get ready and leave for our first day of senior year.

Shawn p.o.v.

"So how do you think your first day back is going to be," JJ ask as we get out of Jack's car. "Hopefully it's going to be good," I say. If I can avoid Taylor I think I might be okay.

"Well in case it isn't here have this," Jack says as he hands me a box of muffins. I smile at him and say thank you.

I walk towards my locker and see Taylor talking to some chick. I feel a twinge of jealousy and feel Peter Raul get mad. I quickly try to control it because we are not together. I knew this would happened. Taylor's human side wants to be with females and I'm okay with that. In Afterlife we will be together again.

I get my stuff for my first two periods when Ashton comes over and smiles at me.

"Hey cutie how was your summer," he ask and I blush a little.

"I-it was good. H-how about yours," I say back and he steps a little closer. I hear a faint growl but don't pay any attention to it. "It was good, but it's way better now that your here," he says and I blush harder. He steps a little bit closer.

"T-that's g-good," I stutter out. Ashton Irwin is an exchange student from Australia and is super hot. He is a merman and came to our pack a couple weeks ago. Why would he be talking to me?

"You're so cute when you blush you know," he says as he get closer and rubs my red cheek.

Before I can say anything I am pulled always from him in a pair of strong arms around my waist and feel somebody's chest on my back. I know who it is immediately from the sparks I feel.

"Mine," Taylor growls in my ear. I look over and see him glaring at Ashton. I roll my eyes at him and fight against his hold but he tightens it.

"Woah. I didn't know he was yours Taylor sorry. I didn't even know you swung that way," Ashton says with his in the air.

"I'm not his and he doesn't swing that way. I don't get what's his deal," I say finally breaking free from his hold and glare at him.

"So your on the market," Ashton states. "Yes" "No" me and Taylor say at the same time. "Well if you are here is my number," Ashton says as he gives me a card. I smile a little when I look down.

"Are you really to call him," Taylor asks angrily. I turn to him. "Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. It is none of your business," I say. "Hell it isn't my business. I am your mate. Everything about you is my business," he yells at me.

"I may be your spiritual mate but not your physical. Go talk to one of your toys and leave me alone," I yell. He groans. "When are you going to realize that I love you Shawn," he tells me. I feel my heart flutter at those words but I push my emotions down. This isn't him I remind myself. It is only his wolf .

"Taylor your wolf loves my wolf. I love you, but you don't love me. I want somebody who loves me and my wolf," I say. My voice breaking. I can feel tears starting to form, but I blink them away before they can fall.

"I do love you Shawn. Me, Taylor Caniff love you, Shawn Mendes and want to be your mate," he says.

"No you don't Taylor. You were straight before all of this mating stuff. You can't just turn gay or bisexual out of nowhere."

"Why not?"

"Because you just can't," I yell. I runaway to my first period class and away from Taylor. I can't be with him. I've seen werewolf relationships where there wolf loves them completely but their human side doesn't. They can be neglectful, mean, and resentful towards their mates. I don't want that. I don't think I could handle that.

The sooner Taylor understand that he doesn't love me the sooner he can move on and the sooner I can move on.


A/n: woohoo. The first chapter. I know it's short but I am terrible with beginning a stories. Please read my other books if you haven't. I hope you liked it. Please vote, comment, follow and share.

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