~Chapter One~ ~Nether beginnings~

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One end city far away, a new mother heard a cry. she never thought this day would ever come. She scooped up her one year-old son and wrapped him up in a purple cloth. she ran out onto her porch and lept freefalling into the abyss. She disappeared with a soft pop.

She reappeared in a red wasteland; this was the only place she knew her child would be safe. She placed him in the maroon grass. The child looked up into his mother's eyes with confusion. She never wanted to leave her child, but she knew she was too weak to take care of herself and him. Her eyes began to sting tears falling down her pitch-black cheeks, this was proof enough she could not save her son. A single tear fell upon her son's hair. He began to whine as the tear turned a portion of his black hair purple, stinging his forehead. The Mom tried her best to hush her child, it was too much to bear. She placed an eye of ender pendant around his neck, hopefully he would keep this when he was older and know where he came from. She turned it over and etched the name of her son into the back.


The mother kissed her baby boy's head one last time and disappeared. All that was left was the red wasteland.


Little Tibbles looked around for his lost Momma; he did not have a thought in his mind except, "Momma."

Tibbles sat up, which was an achievement since his head was big compared to his small body. He tried to cry out, but the hot, dry air of the wasteland scorched his throat.

He decided he would look for Momma instead. He rolled onto his hands and knees and crawled out of his covering blanket and began to explore. Tibbles' hands gripped the red dry grass and pulled himself forward. tall fungi grew in the wasteland. Strange creatures flitted in and out of the red fungi trees. As Tibbles kept crawling, he would occasionally stop to cry out for Momma. Eventually he reached a ledge that dropped off into a lava lake. He looked down at the glowing orange liquid, heat seared his face hotter than the dry wasteland's air. He turned around to leave but came face to face with a large piggish creature with long tusks. The pig snorted and the smell of porky flesh filled Tibbles' nose; he turned to crawl away but tripped over the ender eye pendant and plummeted off the cliff towards the lava. Tibbles screwed his eyes shut as the heat seared his back, he waited for the heat to take over.

He opened his eyes; he was not suffocating in lava instead he was in a hallway of a black-stone building. Purple particles floated around him matching with the bright yellow gold decorated the walls. Tibbles crawled over to thewall his tiny mind attracted to the shiny gold. He pressed his clawed hand tothe yellow metal, suddenly the wall pushed open revealing another hallway thistime another being stood staring back at Tibbles. The being revealed itself inthe light it looked like a human, but it had pig features and hooves for feet. Thepig hybrid yelled in an unknown language; the ground began to shake under Tibblesfeet other pig hybrids flowed from the surrounding halls. Within secondsTibbles was surrounded, the pig hybrid that shouted stepped forward and pointedhis gold sword under Tibbles neck. Tibbles froze, he slowed his breathing andlooked desperately into the pig hybrids eyes. It lowered its sword but thengrabbed Tibbles and covered his mouth. Tibbles bit down the taste of porkyblood filled his mouth but the pig hybrid didn't let go instead he carried thebaby Enderian through the dark hallways. 


Page Notes

Sorry for not updating the holidays really snuck up on me lol

if you see any grammar mistakes corrections are welcome!

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