Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! This is my second story on here, and hopefully you guys like it! Please Follow and Vote for more! Enjoy!

Sarah's POV

I walk through the halls of More High School with my head down and hood up. Normally I don't act like this, but this morning, before I left my small apartment, I checked on my sister and she looked worse then normal. Plus on top of that I am signed up to work a 7 hour long shift at Samp's Dinner after school. Ugh, I already hate today!

I got to my first class just as the bell rang, jeez I was cutting it close. I looked for a seat and found one in the back of the large classroom. I set my boring gray backpack down and sat down. I looked up to see two popular girls chatting about how there's a new boy coming today, form somewhere, I don't know I kinda stopped listening. I got out my notebook and grunted. Let's just get the most out of today... I guess.

(Time Skip to lunch)

I got in the lunch line with my empty tray, I had to save the healthy lunch slash dinner that I packed for my dumb shift tonight. My other classes went by quicker then I wanted them to, thankfully science was next....

My thoughts were cut short when I heard two guys, who I think are on the football team, talking about the new boy again in front of me in the line. 

"Duuuude, did you see how many girls were already gushing over just standing next to him?" One guy asked the other while I put some wilted lettuce on my plate and added toppings. 

"I know! As long as he stays away from my girl, we're good." The other guy replied to his friend. 

There was a pause, I'm assuming his friend rolled his eyes or that's what I would have done at lest.

 "Anyway, I hope he joins the football team, maybe then we would acutely win a game for once...." The conversation continued as they walked away.

 I payed for my lunch and started my way to an empty table. All I knew was whoever this new guy was is either going to be trouble or the best thing that has ever hit More High School.  

I sat down and took a fork full of my lunch and instantly spit it back out. I knew the lettuce was wilted, but not moldy. What are they trying to do? Kill everyone who eats it? Ugh, ok I know that I was exaggerating, but come on, my day already sucked. I couldn't through it away so I just put my wireless headphones on and decided to eat the poison.

A couple of minutes later, right as Whatever, Wherever by Shakira started to play in my headphones, I looked up to just check my surroundings like I normally do every few minutes, when I saw what I guessed was the new boy. 

He was walking next to a guy I have come to hate, Dexter Wash. I not only hate Dex because he tries to flirt with me, but because he is also a stupid rich kid who picks on me twenty four seven.

But I would be lying if I said that the new boy didn't distracted me from looking at Dex to try and see what he looks like.

He stood tall and broad above everyone else even if they were standing or sitting he still toward over them at what looked like a height of about six foot two, his short sandy blond hair was styled to perfection, I thought I saw a tattoo peeking out from under his short sleeve T-shirt as he bent over laughing about something Dex had said to him, but I'm not sure. Then as he got over his fit of laughter he looked around the cafeteria and his eyes locking onto mine.

And boy are his eyes lovely. They had the depth and the color of the ocean blue with a hint of green in them making them almost a turquoise color. 

He looked at me with a soft smirk on his face and then he winked at me, I glared back at him and go back to picking at my awful salad.

How dare he!

My cheeks are all of a sudden hotter then normal. Ugh!  What is wrong with me? Calm down Sarah, you need to focus on getting more money to help with your sister's treatments not thinking about stupid boys that wink at you once! Dex has even done it before! And anyway I'm pretty sure that he has already winked at every girl at school.

I decided to sit there for a few more minutes looking at my salad, deep in thought. When all of a sudden I heard the warning bell, telling me that I only had five minutes to get to Science Class. I stuffed the rest of the disgusting moldy salad into my mouth, grabbed my backpack, and ran out of the cafeteria. Just like normal.

But little did I know that today was gonna be anything but normal and this year my life would change forever...

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