Chapter 2

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Christian's POV

I took my firsts step off the bus on to the grounds of my new school, More High School. Gosh, I already hate it here. The building looks old and boring and did I mention that I hate school? 

I hate it so much that I'm 19 and still in High school. I basically hate everything that has to do with school.  And just looking at the building I already can't wait to get out of this place. 

And I know they are still after me and I can't hide forever, but it's either keep running from them or graduate and finally be able to move on with life. 

And my sister wants me to graduate and with everything she has done for me over the years I have to at lest try to do this. Even if she is still back in Greenville and I'm here. 

So here I find myself walking up to the front desk and finding a lady who looks like she's in her early thirties.

"Excuse me, miss?" I say to get her attention.

"Yes?" She replies taking her glasses off and looking up at me.

"I'm new here, Christian Long." I say giving her my signature smirk.

"Oh, ok. Just a second." She said as she blushed and looked back down at her computer.

About a minute later she handed me a paper with all my classes on it and a map of the school. Ugh! My first class is English with someone called Miss Wicker. Why out of all the classes they could of given me, did they give me English? 

Ugh! Never mind, the real problem is trying to find the class room. On the map it says that there are multiple class rooms that had the word English in them and all it says on my schedule is English ./;, 101 .

So frustrating!

Ok, calm down Chris. There is another way to do this...

I was about to ask this really cute girl that kept glancing at me where the class was, when a guy with wavy chocolate brown hair, emerald green eyes, and wearing what looked like some very expensive cloths, walked up to me.

"Hey, dude. You lost?" He asked me with an accent.

"Ya, I'm new and just looking for English, but I'll find it." I replied trying not to sound pathetic.

Before I knew it he snatched my schedule right out of my hands and started laughing. I took it right back from him and glared.

"Dude... they forgot... to give.. you the rest of... the name..." He said in between his laughter.  

I looked at the sheet again and started to laugh too. The odds of something like this happening on my first day were hilarious.

After our laughter stopped we went back to the front desk and asked the nice lady what the rest of the name of the class was. She gave it to us and the guy offered to take me to the class.

"I'm Dexter by the way, but you can call me Dex, mostly everyone dose." He said as we started to walk.

"Cool, I'm Christian. You can call me Chris if you want, I don't care." I said back as we turned a corner.

We were silent for a seconded as Dex winked at a few girls as we past them.

"So, Chris, what year are you?" He asked me. 

"Senior. You?" I  replied hopping we were almost there, because I don't think I can remember the way back here to get to class tomorrow.

"Senior too and from the looks of it we have a lot of classes together... Here we are." He said as we stopped in front of a class room starting to fill up with people.


"Yep, see you around Chris!" Dex said as he walking back the way we came.

Ok, let's get today over with...

(Time skip to lunch)

The bell goes off as Mr. John, our math teacher, hands me and Dex our homework packets to do by next week.

I got so bored during class that I decided to memorize my schedule so I didn't have to even look to know that next is lunch. Ugh! It's only halfway through the day! I hate school!

I decide to follow Dex as he walks through the door and out into the student crowded hallway. 

"Dude, I can't believe you had the nerve to fall asleep in almost all of your classes already today. How are you planning on graduating, again?" He tells me with a smirk.

"I wasn't sleeping." I respond as I hike my backpack up my shoulder, because it was slipping.

"Oh ya, then what's the answer to question one on the homework packet Mr. John just gave us?"

I look at the stack of papers still in my hand and found question number one. It has a bunch of random letters so I just respond, "X=ay?" 

Dex busts out laughing right as we enter the cafeteria.

"Not... even... close! What you do... just pick... random letters? There isn't... even an A... or... Y in that problem!" He said still chuckling in-between words. 

I looked at the problem again and sure enough there wasn't an A or Y. I burst out laughing too. Just because I was embarrassed, but I would never tell him that....

I stopped laughing and decided to look around the huge room, there were people everywhere some sitting some standing, but most of them were staring at me. I never got that why is it that everywhere I go people stare? I even had my tattoos...

My mind trailed off as my eyes locked onto a girls. All of a sudden I wasn't on Earth anymore...

Her eyes where beautiful, they weren't just normal boring brown, like all of the other girls today, they had this hazel color to them and in her pools I could see a sadness that I somehow felt like I understood.

I could feel my lips lift up in a smirk and then I winked, 'caues that's what all the girls like, right?


She glared at me! Like, I hate you , kinda glared! And then she went back to picking at what looked like a salad. 

I tapped Dex on his shoulder and he turned away from the conversion he was having with a bunch of jockes. 

"Who's that?" I asked pointing to the girl who glared at me.

"Oh, that's Sarah. She's a Senor and hates everyone, especially me." He told me.

"Why does she hate you so much?"

"Because I flirt with her so much, I guess she likes me back or something. I don't know! Why do you ask?" He asked looking at me intently. I shrugged.

"Just wondering, come on let's get food." I said trying to change the subject.


So we went down the lunch line and got some so called food . 

I basically picked at it and didn't eat much, while all the so called football players at the school tried to convince me to join the team.

I tried to keep up but the sight of the girl, Sarah I think, getting up, throwging her empty salad container away and walking out of the cafeteria caught my eye. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Like she wanted to be invisible, like me... 

Someone tapped me one my shoulder and I looked up to see Dex infront of me ready to head to class. 

"Didn't you here the bell ring? Come on let's go!" 

I jumped up in a panic. Shoot! I through out my lunch and garbed my backpack. 

"Sorry I was out of it, see you later!" I said to Dex and everyone else as I raced to my next class... Science.

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