world of feminine

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is my story from Indonesian, and translated it into English whit google so not well translated. If you can speak Indonesian, can you help translate it? or help me hire a professional translator for this. can also make me excited too, even to learn English...

"Okay, that's all for today," says a mid-thirty man in front of the class. He looks nice, with a gorgeous smile that attracts the students who like the feminine male. If you wonder how to know someone's gender, it's easy. They have different colours of ID bracelets to wear. Plus, they wear different uniforms at school.

Super female and feminine males are pink, normal females and males are grey or black, while super male and masculine females are metallic blues.

So you will know right away what someone's gender is from their ID bracelet. The government decided to do this so everyone can be detected easily whenever something unexpected happens, as the different genetics of the three sub-gender makes everything hard. If they don't have the gender-identification, it will take about two weeks to identify someone's gender through the lab.

Blood, especially feminine male blood, is different; their chromosome is different from other genders. Most feminine males have a y chromosome, unlike the normal and super male who has the Y chromosome. Cases, where X changes into Y, won't make feminine males genetic that different from others, but having y (small Y) will. They won't be able to receive blood from the super male and normal male.

In short, they won't be able to receive organs or blood from the Y chromosome.

"Don't forget to come to the gathering event, it will be useful for you guys," continues the lecturer before he leaves the room.

M sighs. "What will be useful? All we do is listen to seniors yelling at us; will it be useful?" M mumbled as he put away his things on the table. "Kong, let's just not attend the event."

The young man beside him let out a long sigh. Kong knows that M is kinda annoying, but, well— if he wanted to skip the event, why should he ask him to do it too? "This event will just last for six months, M. And in the meantime, they can punish us everywhere, as long as it is on the campus if we don't do as their rules. Coming to the gathering is a must; do you want to skip classes for six months?" says Kong, making M's head hurt.

M sighs again. "Why so troublesome." That sweet guy pouting. "Why do we even need to change our clothes first?"

"You know that it's the head hazer's rule, right?" Sweet deep voice coming from their back. Kong and M turn around to see a beautiful girl with long hair smiling at them. Her uniform looks just like Kong's; blue vest and black skirt. "Hi, I'm Praepailin," she introduces herself.



"So why do we have to wear a white t-shirt and black pants or skirts?" ask M, after the short introducing session.

Praepailin shrugs. "Dunno, maybe he doesn't like colourful?" says the masculine female without thinking further.

"Maybe he doesn't like the spoiled gender like the super female and feminine male who are always restricted to do physical activities," says a normal male, joining the conversation. That guy wears round eyeglasses, with his bowl-like haircut.

"Hey!" M despises it. It's not like they want to have a weak body. It's not like they can choose the gender they want. Besides, only feminine males who have the y chromosome are weak physically, while those with X permutation as Y are still normal. Exception for super females, only their period time that will be hurtful. They're beautiful and more 'satisfying', that's why they're spoiled.

'Boys,' M grumbles inside his head, without even realizing that he's also a boy.

"Aw... sorry, that's what it said on the university's forum." That round-eyeglasses guy shows the forum from his virtual screen. There's a column that discusses the head hazer being anti of the two pink genders. "Oh, I'm Oak," he says after realizing that he hasn't introduced himself yet.

"Why, though? Just because he's a super male? So he can hate on the weakest genders?" says M furiously.

"Don't just trust that issue easily, M," says Kong. He stands from his seat and then walks while putting his bag on his shoulder. "Let's go to the gathering hall. We'll be punished if we're late," says that tall guy while leaving the classroom.

"Okay." M follows him lazily; followed by Praepailin, Oak, and some other guys he hasn't know the name of yet. The gathering hall is a multifunction hall that is mostly used for talent shows, graduations, and also orientation programs. It's only a few meters from the engineering faculty's building.

Before entering the hall, some second-year seniors ask them to take off the vest that shows their gender and change into black skirts or pants; they can just choose as they want. The changing rooms are already prepared there.

'This is so troublesome,' M thinks behind the changing room. M chooses to wear pants, but one of his peers who are feminine males chooses skirts. He says that he gets used to wearing skirts at home, or just clothes for super females and normal females; he just doesn't like the androgyny style that's always used by feminine males.

They then enter the big hall. There, most of the third years seniors already stand still, as if they're the government staff who have to guard the jail. They look so stern, making the first years scared.

Seats for the first years are not prepared; there's only a big stage. The second-year seniors ask all the first-years to sit on the floor, crossed-legged facing the stage.

It takes about five minutes until the head hazer with an annoying aura comes with four friends behind him. They walk to the stage.

Arthit looks around with his sharp eyes; he's wearing a blue vest and black pants. A metallic blue bracelet is on his right hand, while a red-blue cloth bracelet is on his left hand.

That very stern-looking guy takes a step forward, with hands behind his back. "GOOD AFTERNOON. TODAY, I WANT YOU ALL TO LEARN THE ENGINEERS' SLOGAN." His voice is really loud, he surely doesn't need any microphone even in that big hall. Everyone in the hall can fully understand what Arthit just said easily. "ONE! DISCIPLINE. TWO! RESPECT THE SENIORS. THREE! MIND OR HEART..."

Arthit shouts about what is engineers' spirit, engineer pride. What M doesn't understand is what is the use of that for their lesson. Does it even get scored?

Arthit looks around still with his sharp eyes. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" he asks everyone who sits quietly down there. The first years answer in unison as if they understand, while actually, most of them don't understand a thing.

"NOW, I WANT YOU ALL TO GET TO KNOW THE SENIORS, ALL OF YOUR SENIORS. IN A WEEK, YOU HAVE TO COLLECT THE SENIORS' ID NAMES, AS MANY AS ONE THOUSAND. IF YOU CAN NOT COMPLETE THAT..." Arthit smiles sweetly, making everyone look at him in disbelief. "...RUN A HUNDRED TIMES AROUND THE CAMPUS..." and everyone back to hell right after they see heaven. 

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