Being Autistic

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I will edit chapters when I have more thoughts about any of the topics I bring up


Why are people without autism so strange (no offense) like I just don't get you, I'm sorry I have really tried but you all are so strange, I mean what goes on in your heads? This is a genuine question please answer me I need to know what goes on in your heads on a day to day basis.

Also every time I see one of those "POV: The autistic kid-" jokes I want to slam my head into a wall.

Also why do people treat autistic people so awfully, like I don't think the world could survive without autistic people, I saw a tik tok the other day talking about this topic, and listing many historical figures that made a massive change to the world that also have autism, e.g einstein. like people really should be treating autistic people so much better.


It's literally so sad that all autistic people can relate to the feeling that their being made fun of 24/7, It's scary when people talk to you because you don't know if you're apart of some joke of theirs or if they're actually being nice, I have been made fun of by people I thought were being nice multiple times, and honestly, It's one of the worst feelings ever.

PS: Yes, the covid vaccine did give me autism /j

Also the video above this chapter literally interests me so much

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