How it all began

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It was a cold winter night you were walking around town only too realise it's getting dark outside and you thought it would be a good idea to go thru a sketchy alleyway.

(It was a short cut and it wouldn't hurt to try a new route)

When you were walking you had a strange feeling you were being followed you tried to stop worrying so much but you heard a second pear of foot steps, you tried to find a crowded area full of people so you can "escape" this so called situation but it's no luck..

A guy was trying to hit you in the head with a glass bottle but a guy stopped him you turn around to see what it appears a tall man with curly black hair, he was wearing a grey hoodie and denim blue jeans they started fighting but then the mysterious man who protected/saved you told you to follow him and you were panicking so you nodded and followed him the guy with the glass bottle seemed to be chasing after us but with a few left and right turns he was no where to be seen. The mysterious man said:

man: need to be going somewhere?

Y/N: yeah home, but i can take care of that myself

Man: you sure? Cuz it seemed like i saved your ass back there.

Y/N: i guess...Thanks for saving me, i can repay you with a cup of tea *you smiled*

Man: sure that'd be nice.And by the way what's your name?

Y/N: my name is Y/N yours?

Connor: Connor!

It was quite strange that you would let a random guy in your house but you felt quite safe with him by your side..

PS: this is my first fanfic so don't expect much loll and sorry for it being quite short

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