Auditions !!!!!

631 13 1

Y/N -

You told your boyfriend connot that you'd be staying at your parent's house and you'll come back in a week. He said that's fine and he will miss you while you're gone.

Connor -

He was quite sad but he didn't want you to witness his true emotions (what a kind gentleman lmao)

He went off to go to work at 7:30 since. The place he works at starts at 8 he was quite anxious of the auditions but he knew he was going to pass them. Like there's probably going to be 4 people auditioning,he thought to himself..Work was boring he did absolutely nothing just playing some pac-man and his co-workers don't get him started --

After work --

Work finnaly ends at 2:45 he got off early since it was boring and plus the ceo allowed so it's not like he's breaking a rule anyways he went back home to get ready for the upcoming audition today at 3:30 he got dressed and headed off to the park he saw the same guy from the booth and a big ass line of people,he never expected that many people he sighed and waited and waited an did i mention he waited??? It was finnaly his turn he handed in the resume and did his best (by miserably failing)

he's totally not getting that job

Connor: I'm totally not getting that job  *he said in his mind*

Narrator:Hey that's what is said nevertheless let's move on..

The guy at the booth said we'll tell the results tomorrow at 9:11 he wondered why it was 9:11 but oh well i guess well never know 😃

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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